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Attendees:  Tim, Simeon, Lynette, Steven, Huda (remote)

Regrets:  Agenda Jason

Agenda & Notes

Review actions from 2019-01-11 Cornell LD4P2 Meeting notes

  • Steven FolsomLC Names is in QA without going thru context workflow. Steven Folsomwill work with Huda Khan to set up.
    • 2018-12-13 - Awaiting data dump. LC working on it but they have yet to achieve. Larger data set so it's taking time. No deadline provided.
    • 2019-01-11 - Dave had added LCNAF to DAVE D.A.V.E. and Steven is working on the context needed for the search lookup UI. 
    • 2019-01-18 - Some discussion of language tags. ACTIONs on Lynette/QA - 1) investigate & document algorithm for selection of languages with label and/or no label, 2) fix known bug in returning label in case with no language match (need to check whether it still exists after refactor). ACTION to suggest that we should discourage much data munging in D.A.V.E. for now, wait until we have more of environment available as basis to test and make decisions about specific places where munging for specific data sources might be needed.
  • Jason Kovari going thru CUL's D&A Jira (next week or so):
    • 2019-01-18 - Jason now has access to the D&A Jira
  • Huda Khan is working on whether usability work on catalogs has been done internally as well as externally to CUL. Code4Lib journal and another has some details
    • Have been looking at usability work and literature. Found some older material on Blacklight tests (when facets new), not so much after that. Some log analysis on SearchWorks. Also looking at linked data browser tools. Interesting dissertation from a few years ago on LD exploratory search. See discovery folder, literature exploration NOTES DOCUMENT, initial discussions with Tim regarding knowledge panels etc. , and also Stanford NOTES FROM LAST SUMMER
  • Jason Kovari will coordinate with Astrid on scheduling a meeting for those involved in the Discovery work plan. 
    • Jason, Tim, Astrid and Huda had meeting yesterday. Astrid has spoken with a few people. Huda will set up another meeting to plan way forward
  • E. Lynette Rayleto follow up with YAML for and, then Steven will shepherd the process with the person requesting. Also with Christine and Marc around Wikidata not
  • Steven Folsomwill follow up with Christine and Marc about what entities we want to support lookup from wikidata
  • Huda Khan has created local fork of Sinopia editor and  see what it takes to get front-end to do things to get them in-line with what we want to see... without affecting Stanford's development work
    • Have started looking at code and looking at use of React. Expect to work on this at beginning February
    • Steven would like to try uploading a profile
  • E. Lynette Rayle to ping Dave about possible QA/DAVE presentation at LD4 Conference
    • Going to do this with Dave, working on it this pm
  • Huda Khan to discuss with Astrid possibility of UX presentation
    • Have discussed with Astrid. Abstract "yes" so far
  • Jason Kovariwill discuss in LTS whether there a URIs from Share-VDE data that are useful and might be added to catalog
    • 2019-01-18 Unknown status
  • ACTION NEXT Week - discuss Cornell goals at LD4 meeting and who might go
  • Issues:


  • Based on the tech call this past week we can anticipate questions about the input/output of Casalini conversions. How do we want to staff this? What are Cornell's goals with the Casalini data?
    • For Sinopia - for copy cataloging work we need this data in DAVE/QA and in Sinopia. We understand data cleanup issues with current Share-VDE data
    • For Enhanced Discovery - need to scope work
    • Other local use - are there URIs that are useful and might be added to catalog? Need to first assess this. ACTION - Jason will discuss in LTS
  • Discovery developer search – options?
    • Mention knowledge graph / other cool terms in job ad
  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Production QA instance:
  • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data,
  • Enhanced Discovery
    • Steven notes that there is now a W3C BF to schema working group, may help in providing an agreed upon set of mappings
    • See notes regarding usability work above.  Astrid is conducting user interviews with researchers to understand discovery needs and has completed three of these so far.
      • Preliminary impressions: 2 areas: (a) Shorter-term Blacklight contributions: knowledge panel design and integration while bringing in linked data, schema output, and design and implementation of connecting to/integrating authorities (but linked data versions?), (b) design and exploration around how linked data could be integrated into discovery such as semantic search (which may involve interesting alignments between info modeled in ontologies and traditional library search and may even intersect with machine learning/NLP options), possibly resulting in prototypes that address particular user concerns (e.g. identifying related items, demonstrating more clearly what information is actually present and related within the search space, etc.).  Based on literature/existing work, appears there are definite improvements to the search experience that are possible and preferred.  Also very related to user experience: relevance and search algorithms. 
  • Travel and meetings
  • Next meetings:
    • Lynette will be out for 1 Feb meeting (Samvera Valkyrization meeting)