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  1. Danny Bernstein
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Peter Eichman 
  4. Aaron Birkland (star)
  5. Jared Whiklo (star)
  6. Bethany Seeger


  1. Announcements

    1. CNI Fedora Leaders Meeting
  2. 5.0.0 Release
    1. Release Post Mortem
      1. state of master and 5x-maintenance
        1. - pending PR for merging 5[.]x-maintenance into master
        2. Two PRs in master that will be in 5.0.1
    2. Remaining items - fcrepo-mint
    3. 5.0.1 Bugfix release
  3. Status of ecosystem tools:
    1. Java Client Release
    2. Camel Toolbox
    3. Docker
  4. Themes of first quarter 2018
    1. Cameltoolbox / fcrepo-camel → Cameltoolbox  -> vagrant
    2. 4→5 Migration (import export tool)
    3. 6.0.0: 
      1. Modeshape
      1. replacement
      2. OCFL
    4. 5.1.0 - state tokens

  5. <Your Discussion Point Here>

  6. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  7. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  8. Tickets created this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA


  • Ben Pennell is ready to release java client
  • Danny wants to do some more testing on RC-3
    • not a lot of coverage on RC-3
    • but Danny is okay with going ahead with the release on Friday
    • Jared and Peter concur
  • Danny will do one last test of fcrepo-mint before release
  • fcrepo only, no ecosystem
  • audit module?
    • was updated to 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT by Andrew in 2017
    • webapp-plus depends on audit
  • bare minimum: just release fcrepo
    • then see who needs audit
  • authz needs to be removed from webapp-plus
  • fcrepo-mint is on 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT
    • now has configuration
  • to assist finishing up release, who is around?
    • Peter and Aaron have some slight availablity
  • Danny will run release process
  • camel-toolbox
    • Aaron is working on a local branch of fcrepo-camel
    • has not tried the java-client
    • fcrepo-camel issues are unrelated to client
      • relate to content of messages
        • event processor looks at message and populates header
        • currently populates header with wrong value under 5.0.0
    • two remaining issues
      • what is LDN processor doing?
      • make it work with both 4.x and 5.x
    • once LDN is resolved, we have 5.x compatibility
    • automatically detect whether it was a 4.x or 5.x message
    • target a January trial for camel-toolbox
      • Peter interested in reviewing camel PR
      • API-X depends on camel
  • Aaron is writing up a summary of the Fedora Leaders meeting at CNI
    • OCFL-friendly Modeshape alternative is a top priority
      • not a lot of manpower, but there is funding available; hire?
    • pushback on an RDF-based API
      • related to discussion on committers Slack
      • in Samvera community there is a voice saying "why custom and not plain Rails?"
      • how much of a barrier is RDF and LDP?
      • communities that want a binary-only store, not interested in modelling


  1. RC


  1. Release announcement went out yesterday, release has been happening since last Friday. Lingering tasks around documentation and javadocs. CNI Fedora leaders meeting, consensus around moving off of Modeshape and bringing in OCFL in some sense. Read the minutes from the meeting. Bringing preservation into Fedora in some more concrete ways and OCFL seems like a place to start. Penn State and Emory are very interested and have funds to push this forward.
  2. Some issues related to updated plugins during the release process and some bugs have been found already that will need to be fixed.
  3. Master branch is now the 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT and the 5 maintenance branch is 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT to house any minor or bugfix releases.
  4. fcrepo-mint is in fcrepo4-exts and does not have a supporting institution (let alone 2), we need to find out if anyone is using and will help support it.
  5. fcrepo-audit is not performant and it is recommended to use the asynchronous auditing messages from the fcrepo-camel-toolbox. To make keep Fedora as "preservation", we should consider how we might adapt audit in the "after Modeshape" Fedora impl.
  6. UMD is storing checks and results for fixity checks inside Fedora, it would be good to capture this process in the community documentation.
  7. fcrepo-webapp-plus has no use in the 5.x branch
  8. fcrepo4-java-client can be released and should still work with the 4.7 branch.
  9. Should we be releasing fcrepo4-docker regularly sort of like the fcrepo4-vagrant?
  10. Should fcrepo-import-export be released with the other pieces to help people with migrate their repositories? Will not happen this time, but be good to consider going forward.
  11. Would be good to get fcrepo-camel-toolbox and fcrepo-vagrant updated and ready.
    1. fcrepo-camel-toolbox will need separate LDN processors for Fedora 4.x and 5.x, could release with 5.x compatibility and open some issues to add in 4.x compatibility too.
    2. Will return to this in the new year.
