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Room 1735
Mariott Library
University of Utah 


9 October 2018
2:00pm - 5:00pm


The workshop We will include a hands-on section using a Fedora virtual machine imagebe using a one-click-run application based on the upcoming Fedora 5.0 release for the hands-on portions of the workshop, so please follow these instructions to get the VM application up and running on your laptop *before* you arrive.

NOTENote: The VM uses 2GB of RAM, so you will need a laptop with at least 4GB of RAM to run it. Depending on your laptop manufacturer, you may also need to enable virtualization in the BIOS.


  1. Note that this step will take a while as the VM downloads and installs a full virtual environment

application requires a Java 8 runtime environment.


1. Download and unzip the application
2. Double-click the JAR file to run the application (or use the java -jar command)
3. Click the Start button to launch Fedora. It should open a new tab in your browser, or you can navigate to



For Windows users, we recommend downloading a more fully-featured command line interface than the basic Command Prompt included with Windows. GitHub Desktop includes Git Shell which will do nicely.

Image file for fixity demo


  • Chris Colvard, Indiana University
  • James Griffin, Princeton University
  • Braydon Justice, University of Victoria
  • Nicole Lewis, University of Utah
  • Kate Lynch, University of Pennsylvania
  • Adam Malantonio, Lafayette College
  • Trey Pendragon, Princeton University
  • Daniel Pierce, Indiana University
  • Phillip Suda, Washington University in Saint Louis
  • John Weise, University of Michigan
  • Eli Zoller, Arizona State University


2:00 - 2:15Introductions and virtual machine application setupAll
2:15 - 3:30

Introduction to Fedora 5.0 and Alternate Implementations

3:30 - 3:45Break
3:45 - 4:45

Introduction to Fedora 5.0 and Alternate Implementations

4:45 - 5:00Wrap-up and discussion



Description: Fedora is the flexible, extensible, open source repository platform that stores, preserves and serves linked data resources, and is used as the underlying platform by Samvera for managing content. The next major release of Fedora represents the publication and implementation of the API specification. This specification aligns Fedora with a set of modern web standards, and provides an opportunity for emerging implementations of the specification to service evolving use cases. This workshop will provide an overview of the API specification, including information on the updates clients will need to make in response to API changes. It will also introduce some of the other API implementations that have been developed by the Fedora community.
