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Comment: Docs for new entity type mapping


  • DSpace comes with sample submission forms for each Entity type.
    • The sample <submission-process> is defined in item-submission.xml and named based on the Entity type (e.g. Publication, Person, Project, etc).
    • The metadata fields captured for each Entity are defined in a custom step in submission-forms.xml, and named in the format "[entityType]Step" (where the entity type is camelcased).  For example: "publicationStep", "personStep", "projectStep".
  • Optionally, modify those sample submission forms. See Submission User Interface for hints/tips on customizing the item-submission.xml or submission-forms.xml files
  • Now, in As of 7.6, you can simply map each Entity Type to a specific submission form as follows in your item-submission.xml (This section already exists, just uncomment it)

    Code Block
    <name-map collection-entity-type="Publication" submission-name="Publication"/>
    <name-map collection-entity-type="Person" submission-name="Person"/>
    <name-map collection-entity-type="Project" submission-name="Project"/>
    <name-map collection-entity-type="OrgUnit" submission-name="OrgUnit"/>
    <name-map collection-entity-type="Journal" submission-name="Journal"/>
    <name-map collection-entity-type="JournalVolume" submission-name="JournalVolume"/>
    <name-map collection-entity-type="JournalIssue" submission-name="JournalIssue"/>

    • WARNING: If you create a new Collection using a specific Entity Type, you must currently restart your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat) for the submission form configuration to take effect for the new Collection.  This is the result of a known bug where the Submission forms are cached until the servlet container is restarted.  See this issue ticket:
    • In 7.5 and earlier, you needed to map each Collection's handle one by one to a Submission form in item-submission.xml. Map your Collection's handle (findable on the Collection homepage) to the submission form you want it to use.   In the below example, we've mapped a single Collection to each of the out-of-the-box Entity types.

      Code Block
      <name-map collection-handle="123456789/5" submission-name="Publication"/>
      <name-map collection-handle="123456789/6" submission-name="Person"/>
      <name-map collection-handle="123456789/7" submission-name="Project"/>
      <name-map collection-handle="123456789/8" submission-name="OrgUnit"/>
      <name-map collection-handle="123456789/28" submission-name="Journal"/>
      <name-map collection-handle="123456789/29" submission-name="JournalVolume"/>
      <name-map collection-handle="123456789/30" submission-name="JournalIssue"/>

Once your modifications to the submission process are complete, you will need to quickly reboot Tomcat (or your servlet container) to reload the current settings.


  • Which relationship types would you want to create between the entity items from the previous step: e.g. isAuthorOfPublication, isEditorOfPublication, isProjectOfPublication, isOrgUnitOfPerson, isJournalIssueOfPublication
  • Multiple relationships between the same 2 types can be created: isAuthorOfPublication, isEditorOfPublication
  • Relationships are automatically bidirectional, so no need to worry about whether you want to display the authors in a publication or the publications of an author

Third step: visualize your model

  • By creating a drawing of your model, you’ll be able to quickly verify whether anything is missing

View file

Configuring the object model

Configure the model in relationship-types.xml
