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Comment: Add walkthrough video


Table of Contents

Video Walkthrough

João Rocha da Silva kindly posted a video walkthrough of setting up DSpace + Netbeans on YouTube:

Widget Connector

Installing NetBeans

NetBeans 7.1 (or latest version) is recommended for both performance and features (plus, >7.1 includes Git support out-of-the-box). Download it from


titleNeed a tutorial on Git/GitHub?

If you need help/tips/resources on DSpace development with Git/GitHub, or just tutorials on Git in general, you may want to check out our DSpace Development with Git page.

NetBeans makes the checkout and configure process easy, as it does nearly everything for you.


The following are a few hints/tips which you may want to utilize to ease your development processes with NetBeans and GitHub. Much more info about DSpace + GitHub development at Development with Git.

  1. Fork your own Repo to store your local changes: As recommended above, you really should think about forking your own copy of the DSpace GitHub repository. As GitHub describes in their "Fork a Repo" guide, forking lets you create your own personal copy of the codebase. It not only provides you a place to put your local customizations. It also provides an easier way to contribute your work back to the DSpace community (via a GitHub Pull Request).
  2. For easier Fetch/Merge, setup an "upstream" repository location: This is only really relevant if you have your own personal "fork" (see #1). If you have forked the DSpace GitHub repository, then you may want to setup an "upstream" remote that points at the central DSpace GitHub repository. This is described in more detail in the GitHub "Fork a Repo"guide. Perform the following:
    • On the command-line, change directory to your local machines' cloned DSpace git repository, which is also your DSpace source directory (e.g. cd [dspace-src])
    • Run the following 'git' command from that directory:

      Code Block
      git remote add upstream git://

      (Technically you can name it something other than "upstream". But, "upstream" is just the GitHub recommended naming convention).

    • For more information about how this comes in handy, see the section below on "#Fetch & Merge Example via NetBeans".
