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TestSpecification as reported by testConforms to specNotes and issues
3.1.1-A - Container-CreateLDPC (Code)Implementations must support the creation and management of [LDP] Containers.
3.1.1-B - Container-ldpcContainmentTriples (Code)LDP Containers must distinguish [containment triples]
3.1.1-C - Container-ldpcMembershipTriples (Code)LDP Containers must distinguish [membership] triples.
3.1.1-D - Container-ldpcMinimalContainerTriples (Code)LDP Containers must distinguish [minimal-container] triples.
3.1.2.-A - LDPNR-LDPNRCreationLinkType (Code)If, in a successful resource creation request, a Link: rel="type" request header specifies the LDP-NR interaction model (, regardless of Content-Type: value), then the server should handle subsequent requests to the newly created resource as if it is an LDP-NR. ([LDP] extension)The test is valid but more consistent printing of header values, as done in 3.1.1.* tests, to the logs on POST would aid in troubleshooting.
3.1.2.-B - LDPNR-LDPNRCreationWrongLinkType (Code)If, in a successful resource creation request, a Link: rel="type" request header specifies the LDP-NR interaction model (, regardless of Content-Type: value), then the server should handle subsequent requests to the newly created resource as if it is an LDP-NR. ([LDP] extension)The test is valid but more consistent printing of header values, as done in 3.1.1.* tests, to the logs on POST would aid in troubleshooting.
3.2.1-A - HttpGet-AdditionalValuesForPreferHeader (Code)In addition to the requirements of [LDP], an implementation may support the value and should support the value for the Prefer header when making GET requests on LDPC resources.
3.2.2-A - HttpGet-LDPRS-ResponsePreferenceAppliedHeader (Code)Responses to GET requests that apply a Prefer request header to any LDP-RS must include the Preference-Applied response header as defined in [RFC7240] section 3.
3.2.2-B - HttpGet-LDPRS-ResponseDescribesHeader (Code)When a GET request is made to an LDP-RS that describes an associated LDP-NR (3.5 HTTP POST and [LDP],the response must include a Link: rel="describes" header referencing the LDP-NR in question, as defined in [RFC6892].
3.2.3-A - HttpGet-RespondWantDigest (Code)Testing for supported digest GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-B - HttpGet-RespondWantDigestTwoSupported (Code)Testing for two supported digests with no weights GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-C - HttpGet-RespondWantDigestTwoSupportedQvalueNonZero (Code)Testing for two supported digests with different weightsGET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-D - HttpGet-RespondWantDigestTwoSupportedQvalueZero (Code)Testing for two supported digests with different weights q=0.3,q=0 GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-E - HttpGet-RespondWantDigestNonSupported (Code)Testing for one supported digest and one unsupported digest.GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.3-A - HttpHead-ResponseNoBodyThe HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server must not return a message-body in the response, as specified in [RFC7231] section 4.3.2.
3.3-B - HttpHead-ResponseDigestThe server must send the same Digest header in the response as it would have sent if the request had been a GET (or omit it if it would have been omitted for a GET).
3.3-C - HttpHead-ResponseHeadersSameAsHttpGetIn other cases, The server should send the same headers in response to a HEAD request as it would have sent if the request had been a GET, except that the payload headers (defined in [RFC7231] section 3.3) may be omitted.
3.4-A - HttpOptions-HttpOptionsSupportAny LDPR must support OPTIONS per [LDP] 4.2.8. LDP servers must support the HTTP OPTIONS method.
3.4-B - HttpOptions-HttpOptionsSupportAllowAny LDPR must support OPTIONS per [LDP] 4.2.8. LDP servers must indicate their support for HTTP Methods by responding to a HTTP OPTIONS request on the LDPR’s URL with the HTTP Method tokens in the HTTP response header Allow.
3.5-A - HttpPostAny LDPC (except Version Containers (LDPCv)) must support POST ([LDP] 4.2.3 / 5.2.3).

3.5-B - HttpPost-ConstrainByResponseHeaderThe default interaction model that will be assigned when there is no explicit Link header in the request must be recorded in the constraints document referenced in the Link: rel="" header ([LDP] clarification).

3.5-C - NonRDFSource-PostNonRDFSourceAny LDPC must support creation of LDP-NRs on POST ([LDP] may becomes must).

3.5-D - NonRDFSource-PostResourceAndCheckAssociatedResourceOn creation of an LDP-NR, an implementation must create an associated LDP-RS describing that LDP-NR ([LDP] may becomes must).

3.5.1-A - NonRDFSource-PostDigestResponseHeaderAuthenticationAn HTTP POST request that would create an LDP-NR and includes a Digest header (as described in [RFC3230]) for which the instance-digest in that header does not match that of the new LDP-NR must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.

3.5.1-B - NonRDFSource-PostDigestResponseHeaderVerificationAn HTTP POST request that includes an unsupported Digest type (as described in [RFC3230]), should be rejected with a 400 Bad Request response.

3.6-B - HttpPutWhen accepting a PUT request against an existant resource, an HTTP Link: rel="type" header may be included. If that type is a value in the LDP namespace and is not either a current type of the resource or a subtype of a current type of the resource, the request must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.

3.6.1-A - HttpPut-UpdateTriplesAny LDP-RS must support PUT to update statements that are not server-managed triples (as defined in [LDP] 2). [LDP] and remain in effect.

3.6.1-B - HttpPut-UpdateDisallowedTriplesIf an otherwise valid HTTP PUT request is received that attempts to modify resource statements that a server disallows (not ignores per [LDP], the server must fail the request by responding with a 4xx range status code (e.g. 409 Conflict).

3.6.1-C - HttpPut-UpdateDisallowedTriplesResponseThe server must provide a corresponding response body containing information about which statements could not be persisted. ([LDP] shouldbecomes must).

3.6.1-D - HttpPut-UpdateDisallowedTriplesConstrainedByHeaderIn that response, the restrictions causing such a request to fail must be described in a resource indicated by a Link: rel="" response header per [LDP]

3.6.2-A - HttpPutNRAny LDP-NR must support PUT to replace the binary content of that resource.

3.6.2-B - NonRDFSource-PutDigestResponseHeaderAuthenticationAn HTTP PUT request that includes a Digest header (as described in [RFC3230]) for which any instance-digest in that header does not match the instance it describes, must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.

3.6.2-C - NonRDFSource-PutDigestResponseHeaderVerificationAn HTTP PUT request that includes an unsupported Digest type (as described in [RFC3230]), should be rejected with a 400 (Bad Request) response.

3.7-A - HttpPatch-SupportHttpPatchAny LDP-RS must support PATCH ([LDP] 4.2.7 may becomes must). [sparql11-update] must be an accepted content-type for PATCH.

3.7-B - HttpPatch-LDPPatchContentTypeSupportOther content-types (e.g. [ldpatch]) may be available.

3.7-C - HttpPatch-ServerManagedPropertiesModificationIf an otherwise valid HTTP PATCH request is received that attempts to modify statements to a resource that a server disallows (not ignores per [LDP], the server must fail the request by responding with a 4xx range status code (e.g. 409 Conflict).

3.7-D - HttpPatch-StatementNotPersistedResponseBodyThe server must provide a corresponding response body containing information about which statements could not be persisted. ([LDP] should becomes must).

3.7-E - HttpPatch-StatementNotPersistedConstrainedByHeaderIn that response, the restrictions causing such a request to fail must be described in a resource indicated by a Link: rel="" response header per [LDP]

3.7-F - HttpPatch-SuccessfulPatchStatusCodeA successful PATCH request must respond with a 2xx status code; the specific code in the 2xx range may vary according to the response body or request state.

3.7.1 - HttpPatch-DisallowPatchContainmentTriplesThe server should not allow HTTP PATCH to update an LDPC’s containment triples; if the server receives such a request, it should respond with a 409 (Conflict) status code.

3.7.2 - HttpPatch-DisallowChangeResourceTypeThe server must disallow a PATCH request that would change the LDP interaction model of a resource to a type that is not a subtype of the current resource type. That request must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.

3.8.1-A - httpDeleteOptionsCheckAn implementation that cannot recurse should not advertise DELETE in response to OPTIONS requests for containers with contained resources.

3.8.1-C - httpDeleteStatusCheckAn implementation must not return a 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) response unless the entire operation successfully completed.

3.8.1-D - httpDeleteStatusCheckTwoAn implementation must not emit a message that implies the successful DELETE of a resource until the resource has been successfully removed.

3.9-A - ExternalBinaryContent-PostCreateFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with Content-Type of message/external-body and access-type parameter of url.

3.9-A - ExternalBinaryContent-PutCreateFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with Content-Type of message/external-body and access-type parameter of url.

3.9-A - ExternalBinaryContent-PutUpdateFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with Content-Type of message/external-body and access-type parameter of url.

3.9-B - ExternalBinaryContent-createExternalBinaryContentCheckAccesTypeFedora servers must advertise support in the Accept-Post response header for each supported access-type parameter value of Content-Type: message/external-body.

3.9-C - ExternalBinaryContent-PostCheckUnsupportedMediaTypeFedora servers receiving requests that would create or update a LDP-NR with a message/external-body with an unsupported type parameter must respond with HTTP 415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE. In the case that a Fedora server does not support external LDP-NR content, all message/external-body messages must be rejected with HTTP 415.

3.9-C - ExternalBinaryContent-PutCheckUnsupportedMediaTypeFedora servers receiving requests that would create or update a LDP-NR with a message/external-body with an unsupported type parameter must respond with HTTP 415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE. In the case that a Fedora server does not support external LDP-NR content, all message/external-body messages must be rejected with HTTP 415.

3.9-D - ExternalBinaryContent-checkUnsupportedMediaTypeIn the case that a Fedora server does not support external LDP-NR content, all message/external-body messages must be rejected with 415 (Unsupported Media Type).

3.9-E - ExternalBinaryContent-postCheckHeadersFedora servers receiving requests that would create or update an LDP-NR with Content-Type: message/external-body must not accept the request if it cannot guarantee all. of the response headers required by the LDP-NR interaction model in this specification.

3.9-E - ExternalBinaryContent-putUpdateCheckHeadersFedora servers receiving requests that would create or update an LDP-NR with Content-Type: message/external-body must not accept the request if it cannot guarantee all. of the response headers required by the LDP-NR interaction model in this specification.

3.9-F - ExternalBinaryContent-HttpGetCheckContentLocationHeaderGET and HEAD responses for any external LDP-NR should include a Content-Location header with a URI representation of the location of the external content if the Fedora server is proxying the content.

3.9-F - ExternalBinaryContent-HttpHeadCheckContentLocationHeaderGET and HEAD responses for any external LDP-NR should include a Content-Location header with a URI representation of the location of the external content if the Fedora server is proxying the content.

3.9-G - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestExternalBinaryContentGET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230].

3.9-G - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestExternalBinaryContentGET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230].

3.9-H - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestTwoSupportedExternalBinaryContentGET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. With two supported digests.

3.9-H - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestTwoSupportedExternalBinaryContentGET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. With two supported digests.

3.9-I - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestTwoSupportedQvalueNonZeroExternalBinaryContentGET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. Two digests with different weights, q values.

3.9-I - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestTwoSupportedQvalueNonZeroExternalBinaryContentHeadGET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. Two digests with different weights, q values.

3.9-J - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestNonSupportedExternalBinaryContentGET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. One supported and an unsupported Digest.

3.9-J - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestNonSupportedExternalBinaryContentHeadGET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. One supported and an unsupported Digest.
