Versions Compared


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This page tracks the conformance of the Fedora-API-Test-Suite to the Fedora API Specification. Verification in this context means that the tests as written match the actual specification, such as numbering notation and responses. It also compares the resulting conformance with the current status against fcrepo4/master, which is the Fedora on Modeshape reference implementation.

TestSuite VersionConforms to specStatus against fcrepo4fcrepo VersionNotes
3.1.1-A - Container-CreateLDPC


Implementations must support the creation and management of [LDP] Containers.
3.1.1-B - Container-ldpcContainmentTriples38c974b
LDP Containers must distinguish [containment triples]
3.1.1-C - Container-ldpcMembershipTriples38c974b
LDP Containers must distinguish [membership] triples.
3.1.1-D - Container-ldpcMinimalContainerTriples38c974b
LDP Containers must distinguish [minimal-container] triples.
3.1.2.-A - LDPNR-LDPNRCreationLinkType38c974b
If, in a successful resource creation request, a Link: rel="type" request header specifies the LDP-NR interaction model (, regardless of Content-Type: value), then the server should handle subsequent requests to the newly created resource as if it is an LDP-NR. ([LDP] extension)
3.1.2.-B - LDPNR-LDPNRCreationWrongLinkType38c974b
If, in a successful resource creation request, a Link: rel="type" request header specifies the LDP-NR interaction model (, regardless of Content-Type: value), then the server should handle subsequent requests to the newly created resource as if it is an LDP-NR. ([LDP] extension)
3.2.1-A - HttpGet-AdditionalValuesForPreferHeader38c974b
In addition to the requirements of [LDP], an implementation may support the value and should support the value for the Prefer header when making GET requests on LDPC resources.
3.2.2-A - HttpGet-LDPRS-ResponsePreferenceAppliedHeader38c974b
Responses to GET requests that apply a Prefer request header to any LDP-RS must include the Preference-Applied response header as defined in [RFC7240] section 3.
3.2.2-B - HttpGet-LDPRS-ResponseDescribesHeader38c974b
When a GET request is made to an LDP-RS that describes an associated LDP-NR (3.5 HTTP POST and [LDP],the response must include a Link: rel="describes" header referencing the LDP-NR in question, as defined in [RFC6892].
3.2.3-A - HttpGet-RespondWantDigest38c974b
Testing for supported digest GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-B - HttpGet-RespondWantDigestTwoSupported38c974b
Testing for two supported digests with no weights GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-C - HttpGet-RespondWantDigestTwoSupportedQvalueNonZero38c974b
Testing for two supported digests with different weightsGET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-D - HttpGet-RespondWantDigestTwoSupportedQvalueZero38c974b
Testing for two supported digests with different weights q=0.3,q=0 GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-E - HttpGet-RespondWantDigestNonSupported38c974b
Testing for one supported digest and one unsupported digest.GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.3-A - HttpHead-ResponseNoBody38c974b
The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server must not return a message-body in the response, as specified in [RFC7231] section 4.3.2.
3.3-B - HttpHead-ResponseDigest38c974b
The server must send the same Digest header in the response as it would have sent if the request had been a GET (or omit it if it would have been omitted for a GET).
3.3-C - HttpHead-ResponseHeadersSameAsHttpGet38c974b
In other cases, The server should send the same headers in response to a HEAD request as it would have sent if the request had been a GET, except that the payload headers (defined in [RFC7231] section 3.3) may be omitted.
3.4-A - HttpOptions-HttpOptionsSupport38c974b
Any LDPR must support OPTIONS per [LDP] 4.2.8. LDP servers must support the HTTP OPTIONS method.
3.4-B - HttpOptions-HttpOptionsSupportAllow38c974b
Any LDPR must support OPTIONS per [LDP] 4.2.8. LDP servers must indicate their support for HTTP Methods by responding to a HTTP OPTIONS request on the LDPR’s URL with the HTTP Method tokens in the HTTP response header Allow.
3.5-A - HttpPost38c974b
Any LDPC (except Version Containers (LDPCv)) must support POST ([LDP] 4.2.3 / 5.2.3).
3.5-B - HttpPost-ConstrainByResponseHeader38c974b
The default interaction model that will be assigned when there is no explicit Link header in the request must be recorded in the constraints document referenced in the Link: rel="" header ([LDP] clarification).
3.5-C - NonRDFSource-PostNonRDFSource38c974b
Any LDPC must support creation of LDP-NRs on POST ([LDP] may becomes must).
3.5-D - NonRDFSource-PostResourceAndCheckAssociatedResource38c974b
On creation of an LDP-NR, an implementation must create an associated LDP-RS describing that LDP-NR ([LDP] may becomes must).
3.5.1-A - NonRDFSource-PostDigestResponseHeaderAuthentication38c974b
An HTTP POST request that would create an LDP-NR and includes a Digest header (as described in [RFC3230]) for which the instance-digest in that header does not match that of the new LDP-NR must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.
3.5.1-B - NonRDFSource-PostDigestResponseHeaderVerification38c974b
An HTTP POST request that includes an unsupported Digest type (as described in [RFC3230]), should be rejected with a 400 Bad Request response.
3.6-B - HttpPut38c974b
When accepting a PUT request against an existant resource, an HTTP Link: rel="type" header may be included. If that type is a value in the LDP namespace and is not either a current type of the resource or a subtype of a current type of the resource, the request must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.
3.6.1-A - HttpPut-UpdateTriples38c974b
Any LDP-RS must support PUT to update statements that are not server-managed triples (as defined in [LDP] 2). [LDP] and remain in effect.
3.6.1-B - HttpPut-UpdateDisallowedTriples38c974b
If an otherwise valid HTTP PUT request is received that attempts to modify resource statements that a server disallows (not ignores per [LDP], the server must fail the request by responding with a 4xx range status code (e.g. 409 Conflict).
3.6.1-C - HttpPut-UpdateDisallowedTriplesResponse38c974b
The server must provide a corresponding response body containing information about which statements could not be persisted. ([LDP] shouldbecomes must).
3.6.1-D - HttpPut-UpdateDisallowedTriplesConstrainedByHeader38c974b
In that response, the restrictions causing such a request to fail must be described in a resource indicated by a Link: rel="" response header per [LDP]
3.6.2-A - HttpPutNR38c974b
Any LDP-NR must support PUT to replace the binary content of that resource.
3.6.2-B - NonRDFSource-PutDigestResponseHeaderAuthentication38c974b
An HTTP PUT request that includes a Digest header (as described in [RFC3230]) for which any instance-digest in that header does not match the instance it describes, must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.
3.6.2-C - NonRDFSource-PutDigestResponseHeaderVerification38c974b
An HTTP PUT request that includes an unsupported Digest type (as described in [RFC3230]), should be rejected with a 400 (Bad Request) response.
3.7-A - HttpPatch-SupportHttpPatch38c974b
Any LDP-RS must support PATCH ([LDP] 4.2.7 may becomes must). [sparql11-update] must be an accepted content-type for PATCH.
3.7-B - HttpPatch-LDPPatchContentTypeSupport38c974b
Other content-types (e.g. [ldpatch]) may be available.
3.7-C - HttpPatch-ServerManagedPropertiesModification38c974b
If an otherwise valid HTTP PATCH request is received that attempts to modify statements to a resource that a server disallows (not ignores per [LDP], the server must fail the request by responding with a 4xx range status code (e.g. 409 Conflict).
3.7-D - HttpPatch-StatementNotPersistedResponseBody38c974b
The server must provide a corresponding response body containing information about which statements could not be persisted. ([LDP] should becomes must).
3.7-E - HttpPatch-StatementNotPersistedConstrainedByHeader38c974b
In that response, the restrictions causing such a request to fail must be described in a resource indicated by a Link: rel="" response header per [LDP]
3.7-F - HttpPatch-SuccessfulPatchStatusCode38c974b
A successful PATCH request must respond with a 2xx status code; the specific code in the 2xx range may vary according to the response body or request state.
3.7.1 - HttpPatch-DisallowPatchContainmentTriples38c974b
The server should not allow HTTP PATCH to update an LDPC’s containment triples; if the server receives such a request, it should respond with a 409 (Conflict) status code.
3.7.2 - HttpPatch-DisallowChangeResourceType38c974b
The server must disallow a PATCH request that would change the LDP interaction model of a resource to a type that is not a subtype of the current resource type. That request must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.
3.8.1-A - httpDeleteOptionsCheck38c974b
An implementation that cannot recurse should not advertise DELETE in response to OPTIONS requests for containers with contained resources.
3.8.1-C - httpDeleteStatusCheck38c974b
An implementation must not return a 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) response unless the entire operation successfully completed.
3.8.1-D - httpDeleteStatusCheckTwo38c974b
An implementation must not emit a message that implies the successful DELETE of a resource until the resource has been successfully removed.
3.9-A - ExternalBinaryContent-PostCreate38c974b
Fedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with Content-Type of message/external-body and access-type parameter of url.
3.9-A - ExternalBinaryContent-PutCreate38c974b
Fedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with Content-Type of message/external-body and access-type parameter of url.
3.9-A - ExternalBinaryContent-PutUpdate38c974b
Fedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with Content-Type of message/external-body and access-type parameter of url.
3.9-B - ExternalBinaryContent-createExternalBinaryContentCheckAccesType38c974b
Fedora servers must advertise support in the Accept-Post response header for each supported access-type parameter value of Content-Type: message/external-body.
3.9-C - ExternalBinaryContent-PostCheckUnsupportedMediaType38c974b
Fedora servers receiving requests that would create or update a LDP-NR with a message/external-body with an unsupported type parameter must respond with HTTP 415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE. In the case that a Fedora server does not support external LDP-NR content, all message/external-body messages must be rejected with HTTP 415.
3.9-C - ExternalBinaryContent-PutCheckUnsupportedMediaType38c974b
Fedora servers receiving requests that would create or update a LDP-NR with a message/external-body with an unsupported type parameter must respond with HTTP 415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE. In the case that a Fedora server does not support external LDP-NR content, all message/external-body messages must be rejected with HTTP 415.
3.9-D - ExternalBinaryContent-checkUnsupportedMediaType38c974b
In the case that a Fedora server does not support external LDP-NR content, all message/external-body messages must be rejected with 415 (Unsupported Media Type).
3.9-E - ExternalBinaryContent-postCheckHeaders38c974b
Fedora servers receiving requests that would create or update an LDP-NR with Content-Type: message/external-body must not accept the request if it cannot guarantee all. of the response headers required by the LDP-NR interaction model in this specification.
3.9-E - ExternalBinaryContent-putUpdateCheckHeaders38c974b
Fedora servers receiving requests that would create or update an LDP-NR with Content-Type: message/external-body must not accept the request if it cannot guarantee all. of the response headers required by the LDP-NR interaction model in this specification.
3.9-F - ExternalBinaryContent-HttpGetCheckContentLocationHeader38c974b
GET and HEAD responses for any external LDP-NR should include a Content-Location header with a URI representation of the location of the external content if the Fedora server is proxying the content.
3.9-F - ExternalBinaryContent-HttpHeadCheckContentLocationHeader38c974b
GET and HEAD responses for any external LDP-NR should include a Content-Location header with a URI representation of the location of the external content if the Fedora server is proxying the content.
3.9-G - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestExternalBinaryContent38c974b
GET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230].
3.9-G - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestExternalBinaryContent38c974b
GET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230].
3.9-H - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestTwoSupportedExternalBinaryContent38c974b
GET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. With two supported digests.
3.9-H - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestTwoSupportedExternalBinaryContent38c974b
GET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. With two supported digests.
3.9-I - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestTwoSupportedQvalueNonZeroExternalBinaryContent38c974b
GET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. Two digests with different weights, q values.
3.9-I - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestTwoSupportedQvalueNonZeroExternalBinaryContentHead38c974b
GET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. Two digests with different weights, q values.
3.9-J - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestNonSupportedExternalBinaryContent38c974b
GET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. One supported and an unsupported Digest.
3.9-J - ExternalBinaryContent-respondWantDigestNonSupportedExternalBinaryContentHead38c974b
GET and HEAD requests to any external LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]. One supported and an unsupported Digest.