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Here is found details of the locations and purposes of the Fedora 4 configuration files. For details on how to enable and configure these options, see this  Deploying Fedora 4 Complete Guidepage.

Table of Contents


Code Block


The following spring files exist in a directory as configured in web.xml, which contains a context-param element with param-name "contextConfigLocation".  The param-value points to a spring context configuration file "WEB-INF/classes/spring/repository.xml". This configuration file imports a settings file located in the same directory or the file specified by system property fcrepo.spring.configuration. Note that these files are in the source tree under fcrepo-webapp/src/main/resources/spring and copied to WEB-INF/classes upon build.


Code Block
  <!-- Master context for fcrepo4. -->
  <import resource="${fcrepo.spring.configuration:classpath:/spring/fcrepo-config.xml}"/>


This is where you configure your Fedora instance, including:

  • specify the repository.json file to be loaded as the repositoryConfiguration or use the fcrepo.modeshape.configuration system property.
  • bean for repository factory and metrics
  • bean implementation for InternalIdentifierConverter (identifier  translationChain),   StoragePolicyDecisionPointImpl, SessionFactory, and base-packages to auto scan into spring
  • bean implementation for eventing - observer, filter, event bus
  • specify the implementation for processing events
  • config for transactions
  • bean implementation for minting identifiers


Modeshape repository configuration


  • The cacheSize option may be set to specify the size of the Modeshape node cache.  The default value is 10,000, and increasing this value can improve performance, particularly for the Many Members Performance Testing performance issue.  See the example configuration files, such as file-simple/repository.json for an example.


Fedora 4 will store object properties to the configured backend datastore. These probably won't be very large, and should be stored on fast disk. The object properties are stored as binary JSON documents within the given cache store configuration.

Binary storage

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Fedora 4 stores binary content separately (to one of the above paths, depending on configuration). These files are stored hashed by the content SHA-1 hash. 


Parallel stream processing

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If you are running Fedora on a multiprocessor machine you can level parallel processing across single requests by turning this option on.   Parallel processing of streams can boost the retrieval speeds of the RDF associated with objects with large numbers of inlinks (ie dependent objects with memberOf associations).  Enabling this option in conjunction with increasing with cacheSize parameter in your repository.json file can boost retrieval speeds significantly.

Skolemizing to Hash-URIs

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With this property set to 'true', Fedora will skolemize incoming blank nodes to hash-URIs (with UUID fragments) on the base URI to which the request was addressed. By default this feature is turned off for backwards compatibility.
