Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • LDPCv's can have an ACL applied to them. If not, then the LDPRv's ACL applies to all the mementos in the LDPCv.
  • LDPRv and it's mementos can have different ACLs.  

Code Block
titleTimeMap LDPCv
@prefix ldp:  <> .
@prefix memento:  <> .

</path/to/timemap/resource/xyz> memento:originalResource  </path/to/orig/resource/xyz> ;
   memento:timeGate </path/to/orig/resource/xyz> ;
   memento:accessControl </path/to/acls> ;
   memento:first </datetimestamp1> ;
   memento:last </datetimestamp27> ;
   ldp:contains </datetimestamp1>, </datetimestamp4>, </datetimestamp2>, </datetimestamp27> ;

Use Cases

Versioning/Authorization Use-Cases
