Versions Compared


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This page describes setting up a complete Fedora development environment with Ubuntu 8.10 and Eclipse Ganymede. It's geared toward my own preferences, but may be useful for other people.

1. Install Ubuntu 8.10

The 32-bit Desktop Edition provided by Canonical is a good choice if you're running Ubuntu natively.  Since I'm running it via VMware, I found it convenient to start with the Full Gnome Desktop Image provided by Visoracle.


  • Atlassian Eclipse Connector
    This plugin provides Bamboo build information from within Eclipse.
    1. Go to Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Manage Sites, then enter the following URL:
    2. Install Atlassian Eclipse Plugin Feature
    3. Restart Eclipse when prompted.
  • Mylyn JIRA Connector
    Mylyn is already installed in the Ganymede distribution, but the JIRA Connector must be added manually.
    1. Go to Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Manage Sites
    2. Click the box next to and click OK.
    3. Open the site under Available Software and install Mylyn Connector: JIRA
    4. Restart Eclipse when prompted.
  • Subversive
    This is a "Team Provider" for Subversion.
    1. Install via Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Ganymede -> Collaboration Tools
    2. Restart Eclipse when prompted.
  • SVNKit
    This a cross-platform Subversion "Connector" (client library) for use with Subversive.
    1. Go to Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Add Site, then enter the following URL:
    2. Install SVNKit 1.2.0 Implementation
    3. Restart Eclipse when prompted.
    4. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Team -> SVN -> SVN Connector and choose SVNKit from the dropdown.
  • Mercurial Eclipse
    This is a "Team Provider" for Mercurial.
    1. Go to Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Add Site, then enter the following URL:
    2. Install com.vectrace.MercurialEclipse
    3. Restart Eclipse when prompted.
  • Maven Integration for Eclipse
    This provides key Maven functionality from within Eclipse.
    1. Go to Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Add Site, then enter the following URL:
    2. Install
      • Maven Integration for Eclipse
      • Maven issue tracking for Mylyn
      • Maven SCM Integration
    3. Restart Eclipse when prompted.
  • Checkstyle
    This plug-in helps to ensure your code adheres to coding standards.
    1. Go to Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Add Site, then enter the following URL:
    2. Install Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in
    3. Restart Eclipse when prompted.
  • viPlugin for Eclipse
    This doesn't install via the Software Update mechanism in Eclipse.  Instead, it requires manual installation:
    1. Unpack the viPlugin distribution in your eclipse directory.
    2. Put your viPlugin.license file in your eclipse directory.
    3. Restart Eclipse and make sure the new "vi" button in the toolbar is selected.
    4. Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys, and select ViPlugin as the scheme.

5. Configure Default Workspace

Create a default workspace with settings that are common to any new workspace.  This will make it easy to set up custom workspaces later.

First, make sure Java 5 is installed as the default JRE.

  1. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
  2. Add -> Standard VM, with Directory /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
  3. Select it to make it the default JRE, then click OK.

Your own Perspectives and Views are a matter of preference.  Here's what I like to use.

  1. Window -> Open Perspective -> Java
  2. Window -> Customize Perspective
  3. Under Shortcuts Tab, Submenu "New", also select the following:
    • Java -> JUnit -> JUnit Test Suite
    • Mercurial -> Clone Repository Using Mercurial
    • SVN
  4. Under Shortcuts Tab, Submenu "Show View", also select the following:
    • Atlassian Plugin
    • Checkstyle
    • Java -> Call Hierarchy
    • Java -> JUnit
    • Mylyn -> Task Repositories
    • Other -> Merge
    • SVN
    • Team
  5. Under Command Tab, also select the following command groups:
    • SVN
    • Team
  6. Window -> Show View each of the following:
    • Console
    • Navigator
    • JUnit
    • SVN Properties
  7. Close the following Views:
    • Hierarchy (west panel)
    • Package Explorer (west panel)
    • Outline (east panel)
    • Task List (east panel)
  8. Under Window -> Preferences:
    1. General


Next Steps

Follow the instructions on this page: Building Fedora from Source (Videos)

Other Stuff I Like To Install

  • openssh-server
  • msttcorefonts
  • mercurial
  • hgsvn
  • truecrypt
  • vim-full
    ...then modify /etc/vim/vimrc to your taste.