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titleAbout the Cartographic Extension

Harvard University is leading the development of an extension to BIBFRAME to describe cartographic resources including printed maps, atlases, and digital geospatial datasets.

Harvard Project Proposal

April 2017 Project Update

  • BIBFRAME extension profile for cartographic resources
  • Set of published BIBFRAME descriptions for a variety of cartographic resource types
  • Written evaluation of the project and set of recommendations for future research and development
  • Presentation of project findings to appropriate library cartographic materials and linked data communities.

titleCurrent Activities

Last updated: 4/14/2017


  • Finalizing a set of ontology modeling recommendation papers/graphic models for cartographic-related concepts including:

  • Beginning to write ontology files to support cartographic extension concepts

  • Cartographic Materials application profile to begin soon

Community Engagement

  • Biweekly standing meeting of the Linked Data for Libraries Cartographic Materials Working Group,Thursdays 2-3p ET.


LD4P Cartographic Materials Working Group

Marc McGee (coordinator) (Harvard)
Craig Thomas (Harvard)
Iris Taylor (Library of Congress)
Kathy Weimer (Rice)
Kim Durante (Stanford)
Louise Ratliff (UCLA)
Megan Rush (East View Geospatial)
Min Zhang (Library of Congress)
Seanna Tsung (Library of Congress)
Steven Folsom (Harvard)
Tammy Wong (Library of Congress)
Tim Kiser (Michigan State) 


Link to working documents (for partners only)

titleCompleted Work

Last updated: 4/14/2017


  • Surveyed existing linked open data efforts in the cartographic domain (Aug. 2016).
  • Held a 2-day in-person Cartographic Materials Working Group ontology sprint modeling meeting, Harvard Library, Sept. 19-20, 2016.
  • Compiled initial set of use cases for cartographic metadata (Nov. 2016).
  • Identified and prioritized set of cartographic resources-related concepts for ontology development to support use cases (Jan. 2017).

Community Engagement


Linked Open Data Modeling for Library Cartographic Resources (Kimberly Durante, Katherine Hart Weimer and Marc McGee; poster for American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 2016)

Geoinformation in Digital Libraries and Linked Data (Katherine Hart Weimer; presentation for Aplace4places, DH2016 pre-conference workshop, July 2016)

Community updates

ALCTS-CaMMS MAGIRT Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group meeting
Project update ALA Annual 2016
Project update ALA Midwinter 2017


Toward a Linked Data Model for Describing Cartographic Resources (Marc McGee, Kim Durante, and Katherine Hart Weimer, Journal of Map and Geography Libraries, forthcoming Summer 2017)