Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The 32-bit Desktop Edition provided by Canonical is a good choice if you're running Ubuntu natively.  Since I'm running it via VMware, I found it convenient to start with the Full Gnome Desktop Image provided by Visoracle.

Install Commandline Build/SCM Tools

Use apt-get (or Synaptic, etc) to install the following



  • sun-java5-jdk
  • sun-java6-jdk
  • ant
  • subversion
  • maven2subversion

Install Eclipse Ganymede JEE SR1

This requires manual installation because the The package repositories arendon't up to date with know about this version of Eclipse, so it requires manual installation.  On a single-user system, a reasonable way to do this follows.

  1. Download the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers for Linux from
  2. Unpack it in /usr/local/eclipse
  3. After unpacking it within /usr/local, chown -R yourlogin.yourgroup eclipse
  4. Create a symbolic link from /usr/local/bin/eclipse to /usr/local/eclipse/eclipse
  5. Add it to the Applications -> Programming sub-menu via System -> Preferences -> Main Menu

Install Eclipse Plugins

  • Subversive
    This is a "Team Provider" for Subversion.  It enables several Subversion features within Eclipse.
    1. Install via Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Ganymede -> Collaboration Tools
    2. Restart Eclipse when prompted
  • SVNKit
    This a cross-platform Subversion "Connector" (client library) for use with Subversive.
    1. Go to Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Add Site, then enter the following URL: Added
    2. Install SVNKit 1.2.0 Implementation
    3. Restart Eclipse when prompted
    4. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Team -> SVN -> SVN Connector and choose SVNKit from the dropdown.
  • Mercurial Eclipse
    This is a "Team Provider" for Mercurial.
    1. Go to Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Add Site, then enter the following URL: Added
  • viPlugin for Eclipse
    This doesn't install via the Software Update mechanism in Eclipse.  Instead, it requires manual installation:
    1. Unpack the distribution in your eclipse directory.
    2. Put your viPlugin.license file in your eclipse directory.
    3. Restart Eclipse and make sure
    to put viPlugin.license and viplugin_rc.xml in eclipse root dir
    1. the new "vi" button in the toolbar is selected.
    2. Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys, and select ViPlugin as the scheme.
  • openssh-server
  • msttcorefonts
  • mercurial
  • hgsvn
  • truecrypt
  • vim-full
    ...then modify /etc/vim/vimrc to your taste.