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These tools are not part of the primary DuraCloud baseline. They are, instead, set aside as a set titled Auxiliary tools. These tools are built to serve a need, and are tested and used for the original purpose. However, these tools are not subject to the same production standards as the primary DuraCloud baseline, so they should be used carefully.


Bridge Report Capture Tool

Download Bridge Report Capture Tool


The purpose of the Bridge Report Capture Tool is to retrieve a status report from the DuraCloud Bridge application (in JSON format) and store that report in an S3 bucket. To accomplish this, the tool can be run in one of two modes. The first mode (Properties Mode) requires that all parameters be provided, and these parameters are written to a properties file (with encrypted values where necessary.) The second mode (Capture Mode) takes only the -f parameter to specify the properties file. It is the second mode in which calls are made to the bridge app to retrieve a report and store that report in S3. Properties Mode is run to create the properties file used to execute Capture Mode.

Command Line Options

Short Option

Long Option

Argument Expected

Properties Mode

Capture Mode







The full path to a properties file. In capture mode, this file must exist. In Properties Mode, if the file exists, it will be overwritten.

-r--bridge-urlYesYesNoThe URL at which the bridge application report can be retrieved. This must be the full URL, a GET call is made to the exact value provided to this parameter.
-u--bridge-usernameYesYesNoThe username necessary to read from the bridge application
-p--bridge-passwordYesYesNoThe password necessary to read from the bridge application
-a--s3-access-keyYesYesNoThe AWS access key ID needed to write to the S3 bucket
-s--s3-secret-keyYesYesNoThe AWS secret access key needed to write to the S3 bucket
-b--s3-bucket-nameYesYesNoThe S3 bucket in which the bridge reports are to be written
Example Usage

Properties Mode (Use this to create a properties file for use in Capture Mode)


java -jar bridge-report-capture-tool-1.0.0-driver.jar -f -r "" -u bridgeUser -p bridgePa55word -a ANS3ACCESSKEY -s "the-s3-secret-key-value" -b bridge-report-bucket


Capture Mode (Use this to perform the report capture)


java -jar bridge-report-capture-tool-1.0.0-driver.jar -f


Prefix Update Tool

Download Prefix Update Tool 


The purpose of the Prefix Update Tool is to allow for content item prefix values to be changed. If a given file path captured in the content IDs of files transferred to DuraCloud is incorrect, this tool can be used to correct that path. If a set of files needs to be given a prefix after they have already been transferred to DuraCloud, this tool can be used for that purpose as well.

Command Line Options

Short Option

Long Option

Argument Expected



Default Value (if optional)





The host address of the DuraCloud DuraStore application






The ID of the DuraCloud space where content will be stored






The username necessary to connect to DuraCloud






The password necessary to perform writes to DuraStore






The port of the DuraCloud DuraStore application






The Store ID for the DuraCloud storage provider

The primary storage provider is used

-o--old-prefixYesYesThe prefix value that is to be replaced. Use "" to match all content items (if adding a prefix to all content items in a space is desired.) 


--new-prefixYesYesThe prefix value that will be applied to all content items matching the old prefix. Use "" to simply remove the old prefix.


-d--dry-runNoNoIndicates that no changes should be made to DuraCloud, but that the changes which would be made should be printed to the console. This allows you to see what the tool would do without changing anything. 


Example Usage




















Fall 2002
















The above command would cause the files stored in the space named "my-favorite-space" which have the existing prefix "C:/bobsfiles/Fall 2002/notes" to be updated such that the original prefix would be replaced with "robert/notes/2002-fall. For example a file in the space with the content ID: "C:/bobsfiles/Fall 2002 notes/board-meetings/2002-11-01-meeting-notes.txt" would be changed to "robert/notes/2002-fall/board-meetings/2002-11-01-meeting-notes.txt"".