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Comment: Update agenda


  1. Demo update
    1. Core impl - Done (#94; alignment with fcrepo-camel-toolbox pending, but is not a blocker)
    2. API-X Demo/Milestone 1 guide- Done, pending any last-minute feedback
    3. Open issues discovered during testing
      1. Image service can crash and never work again with invalid input
      2. UI redirects randomly to /fcr:metadata or service doc after depositing binaries in Chrome
    4. Current functionality implemented, but absent from demo instructions - aim for Milestone 2?
      1. Intercepting extensions
      2. Indexing and searching service documents in triple store
    5. Pushing images to dockerhub - OK do do that after each fix?GitHub Issues
  2. Pushing API-X to Maven Central
  3. Public call for participation in demo
  4. Plan for during/after demo evaluation
    1. Fix bugs + deploy images when encountered
    2. End evaluation in January?
    3. Demo/milestone 2 in March/April?