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DSpace-CRIS is not directly or indirectly related to any commercial bibliographic database, the available integration is provided by the DSpace-CRIS developers as-is at the best of their knowledge without any guarantee of proper behaviour with such third part services and it is not an endorsement of such services

DSpace-CRIS implement three level levels of integration with external databases:

  • Realtime import of bibliographic record records searching the external database by identifiers or title, authors
  • Periodic scanning of the external database to retrieve institutional publications to import
  • Retrieve of bibliometrics value for items in DSpace(-CRIS)

Realtime import of bibliographic records

Other than the provider already available in a standard DSpace installation such as ArXiv, PubMed, Cinii, CrossRef and generic OAI-PMH providers, DSpace-CRIS add to the Submission Lookup Step the ability to query PubMed Europe, Scopus, SciVal and/or Web of Science.

PubMed Europe

The class org.dspace.submit.lookup.PubmedEuropeFileDataLoader is the implementation of the submission lookup interface that enable the integration with the Web of Knowledge WokSearch API.

To enable the integration it is necessary to uncomment the bean definitions in the [dspace-installDir]/config/spring/api/bte.xml file 

Code Block
<bean name="multipleDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.MultipleSubmissionLookupDataLoader" scope="prototype">
	    <property name="dataloadersMap">
				<!-- <entry key="pubmedEurope" value-ref="pubmedEuropeOnlineDataLoader"/> -->
				<!-- <entry key="pubmedEuropeXML" value-ref="pubmedEuropeFileDataLoader"/> -->	

pubmedEuropeXML enables the use of the XML format specific of PubMed Europe







Web of Knowledge

The class org.dspace.submit.lookup.WOSOnlineDataLoader is the implementation of the submission lookup interface that enable the integration with the Web of Knowledge WokSearch API.

To enable the integration it is necessary to set the following property in the dspace.cfg (via

Code Block
submission.lookup.webofknowledge.user = ${submission.lookup.webofknowledge.user}
submission.lookup.webofknowledge.password = ${submission.lookup.webofknowledge.password}

or, if access to the web services is granted via IP

Code Block
submission.lookup.webofknowledge.ip.authentication = ${submission.lookup.webofknowledge.ip.authentication} # true to enable IP authentication

and uncomment the bean definition in the [dspace-installDir]/config/spring/api/bte.xml file

Code Block
<bean name="multipleDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.MultipleSubmissionLookupDataLoader" scope="prototype">
	    <property name="dataloadersMap">
				<!-- <entry key="wos" value-ref="wosOnlineDataLoader"/> -->