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titleStand-up report - 2016-09-02

08:15:52 < ruebot> [Import/Export Standup]
08:15:56 < ruebot> * Completed yesterday:
08:15:59 < ruebot>   - Tested and merged
08:16:04 < ruebot>   - Tested and reviewed
08:16:08 < ruebot>   - Tested and merged
08:16:13 < ruebot>   - Tested and merged
08:16:17 < ruebot>   - Tested and reviewed
08:16:24 < ruebot> * Planning on completing today:
08:16:27 < ruebot>   - Test and merge
08:16:32 < ruebot>   - Review and merge
08:16:35 < ruebot>   - Review Fedora 4 Import Export Utility Tests
08:16:38 < ruebot>   - Determine whether is good to close
08:16:43 < ruebot> * Blockers / Need help with:
08:16:47 < ruebot>   - None

09:00:58 < awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
09:00:59 < awoods> * Completed yesterday:
09:00:59 < awoods> -- Code reviews
09:00:59 < awoods> -- Add Standard Plugins:
09:00:59 < awoods> -- Fix broken executable jar:
09:00:59 < awoods> * Planning on completing today:
09:01:01 < awoods> -- Create integration test framework:
09:01:03 < awoods> -- Use top-level dependency management:
09:01:05 < awoods> * Blockers / Need help with:
09:01:07 < awoods> -- None

09:05:26 < escowles> [import/export standup]
09:06:04 < escowles> * yesterday: finished binary descriptions
09:06:48 < escowles> * today: export logging and error handling, maybe look at basic import functionality if barmintor's not working that today
09:07:11 < escowles> * blockers: none

09:21:47 < youn> [Import/Export Standup]
09:22:03 < youn> * Completed yesterday: generated OWL data; uploaded to shared Google folder
09:22:21 < youn> * Planning on completing today: script to load OWL files and binaries (thanks for pointing out the scripts on fcrepo-labs)
09:22:28 < youn> * Blockers / Need help with: none

09:48:54 < justinsimpson> [Import/Export Standup]
09:49:00 < justinsimpson> [Import/Export Standup]
09:49:00 < justinsimpson> * Completed yesterday:
09:49:10 < justinsimpson> experimented with adding sample data to my fedora test instance
09:49:17 < justinsimpson> tried running the export utility, but I didn't see any output
09:49:24 < justinsimpson> * Planning on completing today:
09:49:31 < justinsimpson> successfully run the export utility
09:49:41 < justinsimpson> looking at the sample data others have provided so far
09:49:46 < justinsimpson> contintue to make my own sample data
09:49:52 < justinsimpson> * Blockers / Need help with:
09:49:59 < justinsimpson> not sure yet how to use the samples youn put in the shared google folder

09:54:39 < bseeger> [Import/Export Standup]
09:55:15 < bseeger> * Completed yesterday:  PR code testing, fixing 2149
09:55:33 < bseeger> * Planning on completing today: more PR testing, not sure what else
09:55:45 < bseeger> * Blockers / Need help with: none

10:04:35 < westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
10:04:37 < westgard> * Completed yesterday:
10:04:39 < westgard>   - pull request for some sample data (200 objects)
10:04:41 < westgard> * Planning on completing today:
10:04:43 < westgard>   - sort out some issues with sparql update errors in my sample data loader
10:04:45 < westgard>   - add external references to the sample dataset
10:04:47 < westgard> * Blockers:
10:04:49 < westgard>   - Weltschmertz and the imponderableness of local master branches :-)

titleStand-up report - 2016-09-06




<ruebot> [Import/Export Standup]

<ruebot> * Completed yesterday:
<ruebot> -
<ruebot> .* Planning on completing today:
<ruebot> - Review, test, merge, whatever comes in
<ruebot> - Complete
<ruebot> - Spend the entire afternoon in meetings
<ruebot> * Blockers / Need help with:
<ruebot> - None

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> * Completed yesterday:
<awoods> - Create integration test framework:
<awoods> * Planning on completing today:
<awoods> - Use top-level dependency management:
<awoods> * Blockers / Need help with:
<awoods> - None

<mikeAtUVa> [Import/Export Standup]
<mikeAtUVa> * Completed yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> - Took a first pass at
<mikeAtUVa> - Reviewed
<mikeAtUVa> * Planning on completing today:
<mikeAtUVa> - Addressing comments for
<mikeAtUVa> -, unless @ruebot says no and tasks me with something else
<mikeAtUVa> * Blockers / Need help with:
<mikeAtUVa> - None

<escowles> [import/export standup]
<escowles> * yesterday: updated exporter to export binary descriptions and log files exported, rough draft of import client
<escowles> * today: get basic import client working and create tickets for follow-on work
<escowles> * blockers: none

<bseeger> [Import/Export Standup]
<bseeger> * Completed Friday:
<bseeger> - finished fcrepo-2149, participated in sprint phone call
<bseeger> * Planning on completing today:
<bseeger> - probably help test PR's
<bseeger> * Blockers / Need help with:
<bseeger> - None

<justinsimpson> [Import/Export Standup]
<justinsimpson> * Completed yesterday:
<justinsimpson> (really Friday) started work on
<justinsimpson> * Planning on completing today:
<justinsimpson> completing 2127
<justinsimpson> * Blockers / Need help with:
<justinsimpson> none

<westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> * Completed:
<westgard> nearly there on FCREPO-2166 and 2167, have rewritten the loader for sample data for this purpose, improving the design quite a lot:
<westgard> * Planning on completing today:
<westgard> should be able to wrap up these two tickets and submit a pull request for new sample data
<westgard> * Blockers:
<westgard> None

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> * Completed yesterday: finalized test plan; wrote script to modify URIs in lubm owl files for ingest (following Esme's suggestion)
<youn> * Planning on completing today: loading lubm rdf; adding binaries for pubs and maybe ldp properties for certain ub ontology properties; redoing multi-file binaries to get to manageable size
<youn> * Blockers / Need help with: tbd