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titleMeeting 02 - September 2, 2016

Meeting 02 - September 2, 2016 


  1. Open issues
  2. Review ticket process
  3. Squashing commits
  4. Review use of IRC
  5. Helping everyone use jar and load data
    1. We need data with cross-references and external references(question)
  6. Consider refactoring export to have 'ldp:contains' passed in?
  7. IMPORT!
  8. Review tickets
  9. AuthZ


Ticket review

  • 2127 justin will add step by step instructions with output to this ticket, to provide more info.
  • 2130 Esmé  will take over ticket, and start on import utility, get done what he can for others to review on Monday.  this will be a basic, skeletal version, working with a small repo, containing a couple of small handbuilt resources.
  • 2132 we reviewed Youn's test plan doc and resolved comments
    Nick and Youn will work on adding this to the wiki
  • 2133 Josh has sample data in sample data repo, almost ready to close ticket.
    Youn has sample data, and is working on a script to put that data into a fedora repo, currently living in a google drive folder.
    Esmé provided feedback on how to modify the existing sample owl file, Justin will help next week with scripting the loading of owl data, if needed.
  • 2134 will leave open for extra comment/input untill next week
  • 2135 leaving open and unassigned until next week
  • 2139 low priority
  • 2143 and 2144 leaving open til next week
  • 2146 discussed, needs to be revisited, once basic import tool exists - some discussion about how to pass in and save config (command line and
  • 2155 Andrew is working on integration tests - run export and import from command line, to test roundtripping.
    Esmé suggested writing the test in the other order - import a fixture, then export it.  Andrew will commit initial driver level tests first, then create a follow on ticket for sub-module level tests

    Some take aways from the ticket review discussion:
    General process for making sample datasets:
    write up a document that provides links to raw data
    write a script to import that into a fedora repo
    do an fcr:backup on that repo
    tar up the output of fcr:backup
    add all the outputs from above steps to fcrepo sampledata github repo

    small test fixtures will be tested from integration tests
    larger sample datasets (like in fcrepo sampledata) will be tested that work with the fcrepo-vagrant as the test environment, and documented in the test plan, which will be added to the wiki.

    we reviewed process for how to use jira:
    -make sure to take ownership of tickets you are working on
    -mark them as in progress, or ready for review, etc as you go

    we reviewed the Pull Request process:
    -put in a pull request
    -others comments
    -based on comments, you make subsequent commits (don't squash)
    -once the pull request is complete, then squash down to one commit before merging to master

    This is not a hard and fast rule, there can be exceptions,
    -sometimes it is better to not squash, or squash to a set of commits, if there is logical separation between commits
    -sometimes the branch has to be rebased, due to other work going into master, and in that case it can make sense to squash when rebasing.

    Esmé provided a link to a good blog post on squashing commits by Jeremy Friesen:

    discussed communication
    -using irc, make sure irc client can notify you when your name is used, try to keep irc on so you can participate during the sprint

    discussed how to actually get the code, making sure all of us can build and/or acquire the jar file and run it. Ask in irc if there are questions.

    talked about process of dependency management and use of ldp:contains, Esmé and Andrew will do some refactoring.
titleMeeting 03 - September 6, 2016

Meeting 03 - September 3, 2016 


  1. Open pull requests
  2. Check-in on importer
  3. Jira
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    jqlQueryproject = FCREPO AND status in (Open, "In Progress", "In Review", Received) AND component = f4-import-export ORDER BY key ASC
  4. ...



titleStand-up report - 2016-08-30

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> # Completed yesterday:
<awoods> ** Create a basic executable jar for fcrepo-import-export
<awoods> ** Create a basic CLI framework for fcrepo-import-export
<awoods> # Planning on completing today:
<awoods> Whatever help is useful/needed
<awoods> # Blockers / Need help with:
<awoods> None

<ruebot> [Import/Export Standup]
<ruebot> * Completed yesterday: - Stub page created for - Done
<ruebot> * Planning on completing today: -
<ruebot> * Blockers / Need help with: - None

<westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> * Completed yesterday:
* dhlamb (~dhlamb@ has joined
<westgard> Gathered test dataset (100 objects, ea. with a PDF file, total 55BM)
<westgard> Started batch load script to load to fcrepo (about 2/3 complete):
<westgard> * Planning on completing today:
<westgard> Finish batch loader, load data to fcrepo vagrant, and export using serializer
<westgard> * Blockers / Need help with:
<westgard> None

<bseeger> [import / export standup]
<bseeger> * Completed yesterday:
* youn (8284ad7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
<bseeger> I've been lurking mostly, glad to help where I can, but not sure what that is right now, though I'm sure there will be more later.
<bseeger> * Planning on completing today:
<bseeger> helping with the test doc
<bseeger> * Blocker / Need help with:
<bseeger> Nothing right now. Been wondering though, what about fedora triples and maintaining them on an import - ie, restoring based on export. Probably not part of first phase, but should be designed in.

<youn> * Completed yesterday: initial draft of test plan for import export sprint (edits and feedback welcome!)
* westgard has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
* ajs6f ( has joined
<youn> * Planning on completing today: updating test plan; starting work on components
<youn> * Blockers / Need help with: feedback on test plan

<escowles> [import/export standup]:
<escowles> * completed yesterday: added stub readme and maven execution plugin, started on export utility
<escowles> * today: just merged #4 (command-line parsing), plan on finishing basic export utility and creating tickets for obvious improvements
<escowles> * blockers: none

<justinsimpson> [Import/Export Standup]
<justinsimpson> * Completed yesterday: - attended kick off meeting (first hour)
<justinsimpson> * Planning on completing today: - setting up test environment and populating with test data
<justinsimpson> * Blockers / Need help with: - None
