Versions Compared


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  1. Introductions
  2. Logistics
    1. Virtual daily stand-ups on IRC by 10 am ET
      1. What you did yesterday
      2. What you plan on doing today
      3. Blockers
    2. Conference calls on this line if needed
    3. Sprint retrospective on Sep 9 at 3:30 pm ET
      1. What worked
      2. What didn’t work
      3. Try to wrap up by Thursday
  3. Phase I Priorities
    1. Camel serializer
      1. Supports transacting in RDF and has option to include binaries
      2. Listens for messages on queues; need to run indexer before running export
      3. Basic case: dump to disk and gzip
      4. Need to parse RDF to figure out information required for import, e.g., base url for repository
      5. Provides options for RDF serialization supported by REST API and supplies default serialization
  4. Looking ahead to Phases II and III
    1. Versions
      1. JCR versioning will include any version of parent
      2. For Camel serializer, does Fedora send out a message when it creates a version?
      3. Possible way forward is to consider basic case as export of current version and then to build in capability to export version that is not the current version with additional metadata
      4. Need to consider layout of versions on disk
      5. Fedora API specification is leaning towards making versions first-class resources
    2. Bags
      1. Client tool
      2. Generate from REST API calls to repository or from filesystem?
      3. Only LDP basic containers? Connected graph from root; basic containers if not starting at root
      4. Stakeholder use cases include exporting individual resources, not entire graph, and being able to generate resources that can be imported into other repositories (such as APT) from documented export formats
  5. Design considerations
    1. Camel may make bar too high for users; code may need to be re-implemented
    2. Some discussion of using bash or python for prototyping; final consensus was to use java
    3. Testing plan should define success, describe tests that will be run, and include test data
    4. Integration test suite in java; unit tests included with utilities
    5. Logging
  6. In-flight tickets
    1. FCREPO-2127: Document how the Camel RDF Serializer exports content to disk
    2. FCREPO-2128: Review Camel RDF Serializer implementation
    3. FCREPO-2129: Create import-export github repository in the fcrepo4-labs organization
    4. FCREPO-2130 (close out FCREPO-1990): Create skeletal import client utility
    5. FCREPO-2131: Create skeletal export client utility
    6. FCREPO-2132: Create a test plan
    7. FCREPO-2133: Create sample test dataset
    8. FCREPO-2134: Document sprint resources
    9. FCREPO-2135: Create user documentation
    10. FCREPO-2136: Create Import/Export wiki documentation


titleStand-up reportsreport - 2016-08-30

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> # Completed yesterday:
<awoods> ** Create a basic executable jar for fcrepo-import-export
<awoods> ** Create a basic CLI framework for fcrepo-import-export
<awoods> # Planning on completing today:
<awoods> Whatever help is useful/needed
<awoods> # Blockers / Need help with:
<awoods> None

<ruebot> [Import/Export Standup]
<ruebot> * Completed yesterday: - Stub page created for - Done
<ruebot> * Planning on completing today: -
<ruebot> * Blockers / Need help with: - None

<westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> * Completed yesterday:
* dhlamb (~dhlamb@ has joined
<westgard> Gathered test dataset (100 objects, ea. with a PDF file, total 55BM)
<westgard> Started batch load script to load to fcrepo (about 2/3 complete):
<westgard> * Planning on completing today:
<westgard> Finish batch loader, load data to fcrepo vagrant, and export using serializer
<westgard> * Blockers / Need help with:
<westgard> None

<bseeger> [import / export standup]
<bseeger> * Completed yesterday:
* youn (8284ad7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
<bseeger> I've been lurking mostly, glad to help where I can, but not sure what that is right now, though I'm sure there will be more later.
<bseeger> * Planning on completing today:
<bseeger> helping with the test doc
<bseeger> * Blocker / Need help with:
<bseeger> Nothing right now. Been wondering though, what about fedora triples and maintaining them on an import - ie, restoring based on export. Probably not part of first phase, but should be designed in.

<youn> * Completed yesterday: initial draft of test plan for import export sprint (edits and feedback welcome!)
* westgard has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
* ajs6f ( has joined
<youn> * Planning on completing today: updating test plan; starting work on components
<youn> * Blockers / Need help with: feedback on test plan

<escowles> [import/export standup]:
<escowles> * completed yesterday: added stub readme and maven execution plugin, started on export utility
<escowles> * today: just merged #4 (command-line parsing), plan on finishing basic export utility and creating tickets for obvious improvements
<escowles> * blockers: none

<justinsimpson> [Import/Export Standup]
<justinsimpson> * Completed yesterday: - attended kick off meeting (first hour)
<justinsimpson> * Planning on completing today: - setting up test environment and populating with test data
<justinsimpson> * Blockers / Need help with: - None


titleStand-up report - 2016-08-31

<ruebot> [Import/Export Standup]
<ruebot> * Completed yesterday:
<ruebot> - A significant amount of meetings
<ruebot> * Planning on completing today:
<ruebot> - -- testing
<ruebot> - contribute to
<ruebot> * Blockers / Need help with:
<ruebot> - nada

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> * Completed yesterday:
<awoods> - Review of: (Create a test plan)
<awoods> * Planning on completing today:
<awoods> - Review and testing of anything that is "In Review"
<awoods> * Blockers / Need help with:
<awoods> - Please let me know if you need help, should we schedule a call for Thu? Fri?

<barmintor_> * yesterday: split the i/e project up into a multimodule so that we could work on more than one component at once
<barmintor_> * today: working on FCREPO-2130
<barmintor_> * blockers: none that I know of

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> * Completed yesterday: test resources - binaries
<youn> * Planning on completing today: containers with RDF and binaries
<youn> * Blockers / Need help with: none

<justinsimpson> [Import/Export Standup] (Justin Simpson)
<justinsimpson> * Completed yesterday:
<justinsimpson> set up a local test environment
<justinsimpson> * Planning on completing today:
<justinsimpson> try an initial test of
<justinsimpson> * Blockers / Need help with:
<justinsimpson> none

<westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> * Completed yesterday:
<westgard> Finished loading of plant patents dataset that can be used for testing.
<westgard> * Planning on completing today:
<westgard> A few refinements, then export XML and make available by some means agreeable to all (size is around 60 MB).
<westgard> * Blockers / Need help with:
<westgard> Just need to know how we want to share this dataset.

<bseeger> [Import/Export Standup]
<bseeger> * completed yesterday: looked at test plan, added comments
<bseeger> * planning on completing today: setup test env
<bseeger> * blockers / need help with: just not quite sure what to do yet, but helping here and there.

<mikeAtUVa> [Import/Export Standup]
<mikeAtUVa> * Completed yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> - Wiki documentation stub:
<mikeAtUVa> - Explored camel serializer
<mikeAtUVa> * Planning on completing today:
<mikeAtUVa> - or something more useful
<mikeAtUVa> * Blockers / Need help with:
<mikeAtUVa> - not sure whether FCREPO-2127 is still relevant or where to put the documentation
<mikeAtUVa> - distracted by
<mikeAtUVa> - not sure what to work on next




Meeting 02 -