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Installing from Distribution

Installing from GitHub

Completing The Installation

Verify Your Installation


Installing from Distribution


The standard distribution consists of just the projects required to create a home directory for VIVO, and copy the web application and search index. All of the compiled code, and dependencies are resolved from the Maven central repository at the time you run Maven.


The standard distribution is laid out as follows:TODO Complete this section

Code Block



Preparing the Installation Settings

In order to fully install VIVO, you need to create a settings file that provides some essential information:


This file needs to be created following the Maven Settings Reference. A template file already exists within the VIVO project, called "example-settings.xml". You may copy this file (it can be called anything you like), and edit the contents to fit your requirements / system configuration.

Installing VIVO

Once you have an appropriate settings file (these instructions will assume that you are using example-settings.xml - replace this with your actual file), you simply need to run Maven, specifying the install goal, and your settings file.


In order to run VIVO, please read the section below "Completing the Installation".

Installing from GitHub

Preparing the Repositories

In order to install the development code from GitHub, you need to clone both the Vitro and VIVO repositories from the vivo-project organization. These clones should be in sibling directories called "Vitro" and "VIVO" respectively:



If you do not place the Vitro code in a sibling directory called "Vitro", then you will have to supply the "vitro-core" property to Maven - e.g. mvn package -Dvitro-core=~/Vitro

It is expected that the Maven project numbers are kept in sync between the Vitro / VIVO projects, however, depending on when you update / sync your repositories, you may need to adjust the project version numbers for the build to work.

Preparing the Installation Settings

In order to fully install VIVO, you need to create a settings file that provides some essential information:


This file needs to be created following the Maven Settings Reference. A template file already exists in the "installer" directory within the VIVO project, called "example-settings.xml". You may copy this file (it can be called anything you like), and edit the contents to fit your requirements / system configuration.

Installing VIVO

Default Installer

Once you have an appropriate settings file (these instructions will assume that you are using installer/example-settings.xml - replace this with your actual file), you simply need to run Maven, specifying the install goal, and your settings file.


In order to run VIVO, please read the section below "Completing the Installation".



Custom Installer

If you want to use the source code / GitHub clone with your own customisations, you can exclude the supplied installer project, and use your own customized installer project instead. To do so, you need to supply the location of your custom installer project as the "vivo-installer-dir" property. This can be done on the command line, or in the settings.xml. If you are supplying a relative path, it should be relative to the location of the VIVO/pom.xml.


Code Block
$ cd VIVO
VIVO$ mvn install -s installer/example-settings.xml -Dvivo-installer-dir=../myedu-vivo
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Vitro
[INFO] Vitro Dependencies
[INFO] Vitro API
[INFO] Vitro Web App
[INFO] Vitro Home
[INFO] Vitro Solr App
[INFO] Custom VIVO Installer
[INFO] Custom VIVO Prepare Home
[INFO] Custom VIVO Prepare Solr App
[INFO] Custom VIVO Prepare Web App

The VIVO home directory will now be created, the VIVO application installed to Tomcat, including any customizations that are defined in your local installer project.

Completing The Installation

Configure the Database Schema

The default configuration of VIVO is to use MySQL as a backing store for Jena SDB. Whilst VIVO / Jena will create the necessary tables for the triple store, a database (schema) and authentication details need to have been created first. To do so, log in to MySQL as a superuser (e.g. root) 

Code Block
$ mysql -u root -p
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.7.9 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> GRANT ALL ON vivodb.* TO 'vitrodbUsername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vitrodbPassword';

Configure the Home Directory

There are two configuration that are required to be in the home directory. By default, the installer does not create them, so that they are not overwritten when you redeploy the application. Instead, example files are created in the home directory, which can be copied and used as the basis for your installation.


titleMinimum Configuration Required

In order for your installation to work, you will need to edit the, and ensure that the VitroConnection properties are correct for your database engine. They should look something like this.

Code Block
VitroConnection.DataSource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/vivodb
VitroConnection.DataSource.username = vitrodbUsername
VitroConnection.DataSource.password = vitrodbPassword

Configure and Start Tomcat

Set JVM parameters

VIVO copies small sections of your RDF database into memory in order to serve Web requests quickly (the in-memory copy and the underlying database are kept in synch as edits are performed).


If an OutOfMemoryError occurs during VIVO execution, increase the heap parameters and restart Tomcat.

Set security limits

VIVO is a multithreaded web application that may require more threads than are permitted under your Linux installation's default configuration. Ensure that your installation can support the required number of threads by making the following edits to /etc/security/limits.conf:

apache hard nproc 400

tomcat6 hard nproc 1500

Set URI encoding

In order for VIVO to correctly handle international characters, you must configure Tomcat to conform to the URI standard by accepting percent-encoded UTF-8.


Some versions of Tomcat already include this attribute as the default.

Take care when creating Context elements

Each of the webapps in the VIVO distribution (VIVO and Solr) includes a "context fragment" file, containing some of the deployment information for that webapp.

Tomcat allows you to override these context fragments by adding Context elements to server.xml. If you decide to do this, be sure that your new Context element includes the necessary deployment parameters from the overridden context fragment.

Starting Tomcat

If everything has been completed successfully, then you should simply be able to start Tomcat at this point, and VIVO will be available. If you are using a Tomcat supplied by your operating system / package manager, then use your normal means for starting the application server.


Code Block
$ /usr/local/tomcat/bin/

Verify Your Installation

If you have completed the previous steps, you have good indications that the installation was successful.
