Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Go to$REPO/releases/tag/$REPO-$CURR

  • Click Edit tag, and update title to "Release $CURR"
  • If appropriate, attach binaries and checksums at the bottom
  • Click Publish Release



For fcrepo-webapp-plus you need to build and attach 4 WAR files to the release. These should be build with the commands:

  1. mvn clean install
  2. mvn clean install -Pwebac
  3. mvn clean install -Paudit
  4. mvn clean install -P\!webac,\!audit

After each build, upload the war file from the ./target directory to the release page, they are required for the fcrepo-vagrant product.

Sonatype Release

Release the build artifacts to the Sonatype repository.


  1. Changing from SNAPSHOT version to release version. Something like [maven-release-plugin] prepare release $REPO-$CURR
  2. Changing from release version to next development version. Something like [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

fcrepo-vagrant is an exception to the above rule. The master branch of fcrepo4-exts/fcrepo-vagrant is tied to the last full release version. So you don't update the Fedora version to the new SNAPSHOT version but instead leave it at the just released (${CURR}) version.


If this appears correct, you can push your release branch on to master.
