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Comment: Notes on managing custom DB migrations via Flyway



The JDBC URL to use for accessing the database. This should not point to a connection pool, since DSpace already implements a connection pool.


JDBC driver class name. Since presently, DSpace uses PostgreSQL-specific features, this should be org.postgresql.Driver.


Username to use when accessing the database.


Corresponding password ot use when accessing the database.

Custom RDBMS tables, colums or views

When at all possible, we recommend creating custom database tables or views within a separate schema from the DSpace database tables. Since the DSpace database is initialized and upgraded automatically using Flyway DB, the upgrade process may stumble or throw errors if you've directly modified the DSpace database schema, views or tables.  Flyway itself assumes it has full control over the DSpace database schema, and it is not "smart" enough to know what to do when it encounters a locally customized database.

That being said, if you absolutely need to customize your database tables, columns or views, it is possible to create custom Flyway migration scripts , which should make your customizations easier to manage in future upgrades.  (Keep in mind though, that you may still need to maintain/update your custom Flyway migration scripts if they ever conflict directly with future DSpace database changes. The only way to "future proof" your local database changes is to try and make them as independent as possible, and avoid directly modifying the DSpace database schema as much as possible.)

If you wish to add custom Flyway migrations, they may be added to the following locations:

  • Custom Flyway SQL migrations may be added anywhere under the package (e.g. [src]/dspace-api/src/main/resources/org/dspace/storage/rdbms/sqlmigration or subdirectories)
  • Custom Flyway Java migrations may be added anywhere under the package (e.g. [src]/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/storage/rdbms/migration/ or subdirectories)
  • Additionally, for backwards support, custom SQL migrations may also be placed in the [dspace]/etc/[db-type]/ folder (e.g. [dspace]/etc/postgres/ for a PostgreSQL specific migration script)

Adding Flyway migrations to any of the above location will cause Flyway to auto-discover the migration. It will be run in the order in which it is named. Our DSpace Flyway script naming convention follows Flyway best practices and is as follows:

  •  SQL script names: V[version]_[date]__[description].sql
    • E.g. V5.0_2014.09.26__DS-1582_Metadata_For_All_Objects.sql is a SQL migration script created for DSpace 5.x (V5.0) on Sept 26, 2014 (2014_09_24).  Its purpose was to fulfill the needs of ticket DS-1582, which was to migrate the database in order to support adding metadata on all objects.
    • More examples can be found under the package
  • Java migration script naming convention: V[version]_[date]__[description].java
    • E.g. is a Java migration created for DSpace 5.x (V5_0) on Sept 25, 2014 (2014_09_25).  Its purpose was to fulfill the needs of ticket DS-1582, specifically to drop a few constraints.
    • More examples can be found under the package
  • Flyway will execute migrations in order, based on their Version and Date.  So, V1.x (or V1_x) scripts are executed first, followed by V3.0 (or V3_0), etc.  If two migrations have the same version number, the date is used to determine ordering (earlier dates are run first).

Bitstream Store

DSpace offers two means for storing content.
