Versions Compared


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FeaturesDesign / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)Core?ComplexityUse CasesVolunteers
Easier Installation
Easier Installation
Easier Installation
While DSpace's installation process continues to improve, it is still highly manual in nature. We should investigate ways to provide an "easy installer" which could potentially even auto-install and configure prerequisites such as Tomcat, Postgres, etc.
  • Dependent on some Priority 1 features (e.g. Single UI, Configs in Admin UI)
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"x 
  • There was an older Installer Prototype which attempted some of this, but was not successful. It may be worth revisiting that prior work/experience, if just for use cases.
  • Ability to perform an installation from a CD/DVD or offline is also of importance to institutions where network speeds are lower (mentioned at OAI9 in Geneva in 2015)
  • Vision: Installing DSpace could mean simply installing its UI. Once the UI is installed, you would be prompted to optionally install plugin(s) which enable OAI, SWORD, REST, etc.
Easier Upgrade Process
Easier Upgrade Process
Easier Upgrade Process
While DSpace's upgrade process continues to improve, it is still complex with regards to local customizations or theme changes. We should investigate of simplifying the upgrade process, by alleviate the manual process of merging in local changes/tweaks where possible.
  • Dependent on some Priority 1 features (e.g. Single UI, Configs in Admin UI
  • Could be helped by "Theme management in Admin UI"
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"x 


Advanced Usage Statistics
Advanced Usage Statistics
Advanced Usage Statistics
DSpace currently only provides basic statististical reporting functionality. We should investigate ways to provide enhanced, highly detailed reports for users who need them. Likely, this will be implemented as an optional module available via a module registry.
  • Likely an optional module or external integration, therefore it may be dependent on a "Module Framework" being developed
  • Ranked very highly in 2013-14 Vision Survey
Goal 3: Can be "extended" High


Theme management in Admin UI
Theme management in Admin UI
Theme management in Admin UI

While DSpace currently supports some basic theming in the XMLUI interface, management of such themes is performed via command-line configurations and tweaks. We should find a way to make Themes selectable and tweakable via the Admin UI, like other modern web facing systems.

  • Dependent on "Single User Interface"
  • Could be highly beneficial to "Easier Upgrade Process" in that theme management is a huge pain point of the existing upgrade process
  • Ranked lower in 2013-14 Vision Survey
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh
titleTheming Use Cases

Content by Label

Enhance Versioning
Enhance Versioning
Enhance Versioning
DSpace provides an optional, basic Item versioning capability. However, this versioning capability is limited in nature, and not yet fully integrated into all DSpace tools and interfaces. We should find a way to enhance item versioning, and make it more embedded into the system (and API) overall.
  • Ranked lower in 2013-14 Vision Survey
titleVersioning Use Cases

Content by Label

Replace Bundle object with Metadata
Replace Bundle object with Metadata
Replace Bundle object with Metadata (or similar)

In DSpace, a "Bundle" object is just a simple grouping of Files (Bitstreams) (e.g. "THUMBNAIL", "TEXT"). Rather than being its own object, a "bundle" could be more easily replaced with metadata on individual Bitstreams (e.g. dc.type="thumbnail"), or even relationships between Bitstreams (i.e. derivative objects).

Goal 2: Lean and flexiblexMedium 
Advanced Preservation
Advanced Preservation
Advanced Preservation
DSpace currently only provides basic preservation tools (format identification, checksum verification, etc) out-of-the-box. We should investigate providing enhanced preservation options (or integrations) for users who need it. Likely, this will be implemented as an optional module available via a module registry.
  • Likely an optional module or external integration, therefore it may be dependent on a "Module Framework" being developed
  • Ranked lower in 2013-14 Vision Survey
Goal 3: Can be "extended"  High 
Enhance Search / Browse System
Enhance Search / Browse System
Enhance Search / Browse System
While DSpace's search/browse system continues to improve, there are still ways we can improve the user experience of finding items within DSpace.
  • See various unmet use cases labeled "Search/Browse"
  • Dependent on "Single Search / Browse System" feature being completed, to ensure we can more easily implement new Search/Browse use cases
  • Some use cases also dependent on "Single User Interface" being completed
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRx 
titleSearch / Browse Use Cases

Content by Label

Enhance Access Control
Enhance Access Control
Enhance Access Control
DSpace's access control system (which manages authentication and authorization) is a custom solution that is now nearly as old as the software platform itself. While it functions well enough as-is, replacing it with a comparable third-party, open source AuthN/AuthZ system would simplify our codebase and ongoing maintenance.
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRx 
titleAccess Control Use Cases

Content by Label

Single Approval Workflow system
Single Approval Workflow system
Single Approval Workflow system

DSpace currently has two approval workflow systems:

  1. Basic/Traditional Approval Workflows. These are enabled by default, and provide up to three approval steps: "Approve/Reject", "Approve/Reject/Edit", or "Edit". These are described in more detail in the Functional Overview#WorkflowSteps
  2. Configurable Workflow (XMLUI only, and requires migrating all Basic/Traditional workflows)

We should consolidate on a single Approval Workflow system, likely the Configurable Workflow, with sane defaults

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRx   
Enhance Approval Workflow capabilities
Enhance Approval Workflow capabilities
Enhance Approval Workflow capabilities

While directly related to the "Single Approval Workflow system" feature (above), DSpace's workflow system(s) do not yet meet all community use cases for approval workflows.

This feature is a placeholder for enhancing the Approval Workflow system based on the Workflow Use Cases (see list in the "Use Cases" column). However, it is likely somewhat dependent on standardizing on a single Workflow system.


Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRx 
titleWorkflow Use Cases

Content by Label

