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  1. New Members.
    1. Dan Coughlin replacing Mike Giarlo from PSU
    2. Janet Fletcher replacing Susan Lafferty
    3. Keith Webster joining as CMU is now Gold (or Platinum?)
    4. Maurice York joining as UMich is now Platinum
  2. CNI Talks
    1. PCDM talk from Karen Estlund and Declan Fleming will be proposed
    2. AIC proposal from Stefano expected
    3. Avalon proposal from Jon Dunn expected
    4. Panels? Focusing on recent work...
      1. Potential features: Asynchronous storage (Indiana), WebAC (UMD, Manitoba & Amherst), Fedora Core Extensions (Mettsger @ JHU?)
      2. Potential production implementations: PSU (Coughlin)
    5. Proposal due by October 19. 
  3. Fedora Leaders Meeting at CNI
    1. see agenda at 2015-12-16 - CNI Fedora Leadership Group Meeting
    2. Location: Need one. David will ask CNI if we can use a room in hotel on Weds. 
    3. Telepresence. Need some to allow non-CNI attendees to participate.
    4. Any other items for the agenda?
      1. Discuss: How is your F4 implementation going? Issues, happy surprises? 
      2. should there be a BOF at community events? DLF, CNI, etc. This could be a chance to generate discussion informally, find new users, etc. 
      3. should we do a survey of the Fedora Community to see who is using it? 
        1. See Hydra's annual sufia poll, e.g.
        2. See also the Nov 2014 poll of Hydra community on Fedora 4 plans
        3. See also the Fedora Migration poll from winter of 2015; update and resend?
  4. Draft Agenda for CNI Pre-Session
    1. need to make clear it's technically focused
    2. need to make clear that you don't need to be a practicing expert with mature systems in place to participate (otherwise no one would qualify to be there)
    3. Maurice, Karen, Steve & Tom all volunteer to work as subcommittee and hammer out
      1. program
      2. logistics of invite
      3. will circulate revised draft of call to Leaders when done.
  5. Fedora Panel at Museums on the Web 2016
    1. proposals due tomorrow (warning)
    2. conference is in Los Angeles, 6-9 April 2016
    3. Stefano riding herd on this; seeking collaborators. Write him!
  6. Adding institutional alternates to the Fedora-Leaders list?
    1. consensus that alternates should be on the email list
    2. consensus that alternates don't attend a meeting or call if the primary rep is there
      1. primary rep should cross themselves off the attendees list if they can't make 
    3. David will create an authoritative list of primary and alternate reps from institutions and list on 
    4. Jonathan will write up this policy and distribute to Leaders; this doesn't seem controversial (and is somewhat already in practice) but if anyone has concerns that didn't surface on call, they can raise them on list. 
  7. Leader participation: Project Reps and/or Ambassadors?
    1. Project Reps. Should Fedora take Leaders from other projects (like the Hydra-in-a-Box, or ModeShape, e.g.) if they are willing to provide platinum-level contributions? Discussion: seems to make sense. 
    2. Ambassadors? Should Fedora let ex officio Leaders participate in the group as non-voters, if they have been good individual contributors in the past but their institutional circumstances change? Discussion: seems to make sense. Similar to what's happening already with Thorny et al. on Steering
    3. Both proposals introduced; call for comments via email, and then come to vote next Leaders meeting. 
  8. SHIELD Project concept from UMich & IU
    1. CIC subgroup looking to spin up data management services with multitenant Fedora
    2. See email from Maurice York
    3. comment in email or in the doc
    4. nice potential extension of Fedora testing suite


