Versions Compared


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  •  David Wilcox will pull together a list of current green fields and upgration by the next leaders call
  •  Declan Fleming and David Wilcox will compile a list of vendors and information to support outreach
  •   Stefano Cossu will work on a review of the website
  •  Tom Cramer will contact Cliff Lynch to request a room for the Data Mandate discussion pre-CNI
  •  Susan Lafferty will write up the Australian steps toward making funded research data visible and harvestable
  •  Michael J. Giarlo will look into F4 performance issues and, if appropriate, engage Hydra and Fedora communities about corroborating/troubleshooting/resolving them


  1. Review of raising developer contributions.
    1. The governance model that equates $ with dev time as more fungible is on the right track 
    2. How do we quantify and track contributions? Honor system? Peer pressure about showing up on code sprints (or not) has worked OK in the past
    3. But we can't really differentiate between .2 and .3 FTE. 
      1. Ad hoc contributions are also useful, and seem to be growing
      2. Overall Andrew is happy with current trajectory
    4. and how do we push people off/down if they don't meet commitments? 
      1. should "credit" for FTEs allocated be applied to the next year?
        1. or would this be too much delayed gratification?
    5. bottom line is we're hurting for developers
      1. how do we establish the norm of getting more contributors on from more sites? 
      2. how do we provide onramps for new developers to come up to speed?
        1. more modular architecture helps–work on just a piece, not a whole monolith
        2. make clear that new developers are welcome through invitation and communication
        3. Andrew sometimes sends tickets triaged by level of expertise required–entry tix for expert tix

