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Islandora/F4 integration update

The Islandora community has been working toward an Islandora/Fedora 4 integration, and the latest update was published on June 24. This new version of Islandora will leverage many of the native Drupal and Fedora 4 capabilities, making heavy use of the Apache Camel framework to tie everything together. The project will need community contributions to move forward, so keep an eye on the Islandora mailing list if you are interested in participating.

Conferences and events

Open Repositories


DC Area Fedora User Group Meeting Registration is Open

The DC Area Fedora User Group, which meets twice annually, will hold its next meeting on October 7-8 at the Univesity of Maryland. The meeting will include both user group presentations and a Fedora 4 workshop. Attendance is free but space is limited, so please register if you would like to attend.