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titleCollection - Create Raven Proxy

Create a new pcdm:Object, "ravenProxy/", that is an ldp:RdfSource within the "members/" IndirectContainer.

Code Block
curl -i -XPUT -H"Content-Type: text/turtle" --data-binary @pcdm-raven-proxy.ttl localhost:8080/rest/collections/poe/members/ravenProxy

Where "pcdm-object.ttl" follows:

Code Block
@prefix pcdm: <>
@prefix ore: <>

<> a pcdm:Object ;
  ore:proxyFor </rest/objects/raven/> .

As mentioned in the previous step, the addition of "ravenProxy/" automatically creates the following new triple on "poe/".

No Format
<http://localhost:8080/rest/collections/poe/> pcdm:hasMember <http://localhost:8080/rest/objects/raven/>

The ldp:IndirectContainer defines the creation of this triple as follows:

  • the subject of the triple comes from the "ldp:membershipResource" defined on "members/"
  • the predicate of the triple comes from the "ldp:hasMemberRelation" defined on "members/", and
  • the object of the triple is the resource defined by the ldp:insertedContentRelation property (ore:proxyFor) found on the newly added child resource, "ravenProxy".