Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
@prefix fedora: <> .
@prefix foaf:   <> .
@prefix premis: <> .
@prefix prov:   <> .
@prefix xsd:    <> .

<event1> a prov:InstantaneousEvent, premis:Event ;
  premis:hasEventRelatedAgent <agent1> ;
  premis:hasEventType <> ;
  fedora:hasParent <http://localhost:8080/rest/55/59/ec/05/5559ec05-6ab1-4d61-905a-a5f3da360b23> ;
  prov:atTime "2012-04-30T20:40:40"^^xsd:dateTime .

<agent1> a premis:Agent ;
  premis:agentType <> ;
  foaf:name "Client Software v1.2.3"^^xsd:String ;
  prov:actedOnBehalfOf <agent2> .

<agent2> a premis:Agent ;
  premis:agentType <> ;
  foaf:nick "jquser"^^xsd:String .



1. Is fedora:hasParent the right predicate to use to link to the resource being acted on


, or is there a more appropriate predicate to use?



2. Should we use prov:atTime or premis:hasEventDateTime for recording the event timestamp?



3. Should we simplify the agents down to strings



Code Block
<event1> a prov:InstantaneousEvent ;
  premis:hasEventRelatedAgent "jquser"^^xsd:string, "Client Software v1.2.3"^^xsd:string .


4. Should we include checksums produced by fixity checks



Code Block
<event1> a prov:InstantaneousEvent ;
  premis:hasFixity <event1#fixity1> ;
  premis:EventOutcomeInformation "SUCCESS" .

<event1#fixity1> a premis:Fixity ;
  premis:hasMessageDigest "cf23df2207d99a74fbe169e3eba035e633b65d94"^^xsd:string ;
  premis:hasMessageDigestAlgorithm "SHA1"^^xsd:string .