Versions Compared


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  1. Create a REST API endpoint for audit events attached to each resource, which allows creating external events and retrieving all events
  2. Update the repository to create audit event records in this container for internal events
  3. Create configurable option to allow or disallow deleting events in the repository
  4. Make sure that other repository functionality is not impacted by enabling or disabling in-repository audit event persistence
  5. Document end-to-end recipe for configuring event service with in-repository audit event persistence


RDF Vocabulary

A typical event encoded in RDF would look like this:

Code Block
@prefix fedora: <> .
@prefix foaf:   <> .
@prefix premis: <> .
@prefix prov:   <> .
@prefix xsd:    <> .

<event1> a prov:InstantaneousEvent, premis:Event ;
  premis:hasEventRelatedAgent <agent1> ;
  premis:hasEventType <> ;
  fedora:hasParent <http://localhost:8080/rest/55/59/ec/05/5559ec05-6ab1-4d61-905a-a5f3da360b23> ;
  prov:atTime "2012-04-30T20:40:40"^^xsd:dateTime .

<agent1> a premis:Agent ;
  premis:agentType <> ;
  foaf:name "Client Software v1.2.3"^^xsd:String ;
  prov:actedOnBehalfOf <agent2> .

<agent2> a premis:Agent ;
  premis:agentType <> ;
  foaf:nick "jquser"^^xsd:String .
  • Is fedora:hasParent the right predicate to use to link to the resource being acted on?  Is there a more appropriate predicate to use?
  • Should we use prov:atTime or premis:hasEventDateTime for recording the event timestamp?
  • Should we simplify the agents down to strings, e.g.:
Code Block
<event1> a prov:InstantaneousEvent ;
  premis:hasEventRelatedAgent "jquser"^^xsd:string, "Client Software v1.2.3"^^xsd:string .
  • Should we include checksums produced by fixity checks, e.g.:
Code Block
<event1> a prov:InstantaneousEvent ;
  premis:hasFixity <event1#fixity1> ;
  premis:EventOutcomeInformation "SUCCESS" .

<event1#fixity1> a premis:Fixity ;
  premis:hasMessageDigest "cf23df2207d99a74fbe169e3eba035e633b65d94"^^xsd:string ;
  premis:hasMessageDigestAlgorithm "SHA1"^^xsd:string .