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Comment: Added proposal for non-LDPC LDPRs


Table of Contents

Example 1:  Fedora container object with a child resource at a specified path redirecting to external content


Code Block
curl -H "Accept: text/turtle" -H "Prefer:  return=representation; include=\"\";" "http://localhost:8080/rest/my_external_datastream_obj"

<http://localhost:8080/rest/my_external_datastream_obj> a ldp:RDFSource , ldp:Container , <> , <> , <> , <> , fedora:Container , fedora:Resource , fedora:Resource , <> , <> , <> ;
        fedora:lastModifiedBy "bypassAdmin"^^<> ;
        fedora:uuid "fe7a8497-d826-490d-a786-ba601e039055"^^<> ;
        fedora:createdBy "bypassAdmin"^^<> ;
        fedora:primaryType "nt:folder"^^<> ;
        fedora:created "2015-03-12T20:56:08.468Z"^^<> ;
        fedora:mixinTypes "fedora:Container"^^<> , "fedora:Resource"^^<> ;
        fedora:lastModified "2015-03-12T21:08:33.787Z"^^<> ;
        fedora:writable "true"^^<> ;
        fedora:hasParent <http://localhost:8080/rest/> ;
        ldp:contains <http://localhost:8080/rest/my_external_datastream_obj/extds> .

<http://localhost:8080/rest/my_external_datastream_obj/extds> a <> , <> , <> , <> , fedora:Binary , fedora:Resource , <> , <> , <> ;
        fedora:lastModifiedBy "bypassAdmin"^^<> ;
        fedora:uuid "86aa4107-768d-4e2d-9064-78be072c0888"^^<> ;
        fedora:mimeType "message/external-body; access-type=URL; url=\"\""^^<> ;
        fedora:digest <urn:sha1:da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709> ;
        premis:hasSize "0"^^<> ;
        fedora:createdBy "bypassAdmin"^^<> ;
        fedora:primaryType "nt:resource"^^<> ;
        fedora:created "2015-03-12T21:08:33.787Z"^^<> ;
        fedora:mixinTypes "fedora:Binary"^^<> ;
        fedora:lastModified "2015-03-12T21:08:33.787Z"^^<> ;
        premis:hasOriginalName ""^^<> .

<http://localhost:8080/rest/my_external_datastream_obj> fedora:exportsAs <http://localhost:8080/rest/my_external_datastream_obj/fcr:export?format=jcr/xml> .

<http://localhost:8080/rest/my_external_datastream_obj/fcr:export?format=jcr/xml> dc:format <> .

<> rdfs:label "jcr/xml"^^<> .

LDP-RS as datastreams

This strawman proposal addresses the following issues:

  • Allow Fedora to create LDP-RS (RDF resources) that are NOT containers (LDPC), as allowed per the LDP spec.  These will henceforth be called LDP-RS-NCs ("LDP RDF Source, Non-containers") for the sake of this discussion
  • Allow the LDP-RS-NCs created by Fedora to contain arbitrary RDF
    • No requirements on allowable subjects, predicates, or objects in the triples
    • No constraints on constructs such as blank nodes
  • Allow the LDP-RS-NCs created to by Fedora to be 'pure' in that they are logically unmodified from client requests
    • No server managed triples are added by Fedora
  • Allow the LDP-RS interaction model as defined by LDP on these resources
    • Retrieve triples in specified representation (xml, turtle, ntriples, etc)
    • Logical PUT operation (i.e. logical contents of graph are stored, not necessarily the serialization bytes)
    • SPARQL Update semantics (PATCH)
    • Interpretation of relative URIs as per the LDP spec (for example, allowing null relative URIs "<>" to refer to the to-be-created resource URI)



LDP-RS-NCs in Fedora shall be datastreams, differing only from binary datastreams (exposed as LDP-NRs in LDP) in the following significant ways:

  • Fedora's HTTP APIs support LDP-RS operations on these resources such as the logical PUT and  PATCH,  resolution of relative URIs in the content, etc.
  • Fedora may describe these resources using slightly different metadata in their corresponding 'fcr:metadata' resources.  For example, LDP-RS-NCs may have a different mixin type than LDP-NRs
  • Basic validation as well-formed RDF or SPARQL/update statements is a prerequisite for accepting content.
  • The binary representation of an LDP-RS-NC as persisted in Fedora as datastream content may potentially be opaque (a decision would need to be made on this)
    • The serialization format may be specified in advance.  For example, Fedora may chose to serialize as turtle, always
    • Fedora may perhaps chose to store the exact binary content supplied by the client via PUT, and record metadata indicating which RDF serialization had been persisted.
    • Likewise, the content may be entirely opaque, leaving it an implementation decision that can change at any time.

An LDP-RS-NC shall be created when the client specifies an LDPR interaction model for newly created resources as per section of the LDP spec.