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  1. 2015 Targets - next six months
    1. Background Discussion

      1. Andrew

        1. 4.0 release greenfield

        1. 4.1 release - targeted for OR - get Fedora 3 to Fedora 4


      1. Migration Discussion

        1. 4.1

           - squash
          1.  squash bugs

           - new
          1.  new features

        1. Migration

         - Establish
          1.  Establish pilots

            1. which features need to be migrated

            1. get many Fedora 3 institutions involved

           - is
              1. documentation

              1. needs

           - is
              1. tooling

              1. needs

          1. approach - in terms of objects

            1. use a connector, helps eliminates concerns

            1. connector talks to Fedora 3 REST API

            1. regardless of some configuration variables

            1. will simplify the transfer of assets

          1. need for parallel systems

            1. will need servers and storage

            1. can't do an in-place upgrade


         - In terms of messaging

           - Software Upgrade

           - Content migration


            1. it's a content migration

      , code base and storage
            1. it's a software upgrade

          1. What do we tell people who want to stay with XML vs. RDF?

            1. You can't keep all forms of XML, like inline XML

            1. Fedora 3 audit trail, can become XML data stream, but not inline

        1. Break out Fedora 3 features

          1. do some early analysis, what is going to be possible

         - requirements
            1.  requirements for Fedora 3 to Fedora 4

           - not fleshed out
            1. in training,

      did document
            1. documented considerations for upgrades

              1. security policies

              1. versioning

              1. disseminators

            1. how data and functionality map from 3 to 4


      Migration Scenarios   -

      1. greenfield installation

        1. upgrade to Fedora 4 and replace functionality over time

      1. Hydra

        1. could have made Fedora 4 look like Fedora 3

            1. strategic decision to move to Fedora 4 approach

          1. continuum of migration options

            1. consensus - quick analysis to determine migration needs

            1. find common needs

          1. migration working group - consensus

          1. Migration Complexity

            1. consensus it will take time to determine scope

            1. Systems

            1. Administrators

            1. Application Functionality, Compatibility, Refactoring

            1. Content Migration

          1. Hydra and Islandora - will be easiest community to migrate

            1. Penn State - looking at using Hydra as migration tool

          1. What is possible in the next 6 months?

            1. Moving Content to a new system

              1. can play with content, even if you haven't moved to a new system

              1. Have pilots

                1. working through migration

                1. specific features and capabilities

                1. content

          1. After 6 months

            1. have a few examples of sucessful migration

             - Documentation

                  - things you need to think about in planning transition

           - Hydra
      1. DocumentationHydra, Islandora, or Custom

      1. Three Migration Types

            - Greenfield

            - Hydra/Islandora

            - Custom

              - Wild West

              - Rebuild/Refactor - rewrite and ingest (Yale)

              - New functionality - incorporate back into Fedora/Hydra



        Promote the concept of community development when appropriate,

        recognize and respect the need for institutions to locally customize

        when required.


        What if there are significant issues related to Fedora 3 migration?

          - at some point the community will have difficulty in supporting

            Fedora 3 beyond security patches


        Migration consultancy

           - At OR2015, have a room for migration support


        "Upgration" - Migrate and upgrade - a new term


        1. Survey

           - collect information, quickly canvas the community

           - identify use cases, common services and approaches

           - keep as simple as reasonably possible

           - some demographic data

             - geography, size of installation

           - intended for leadership group

           - ship out after Monday January 12th

           - get responses back by February 15, 2015


        2. Establish Migration Working Group

           - Code4Lib - awareness booth

           - OR2015   - upgration booth
