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Discussion Lead

2015 Targets

  • 6 month goals
    • Migration pilots
    • Fedora 4.1
    • Technical working group
  • 12 month+ goals
    • Fedora 4.2
    • Sustainability
    • Fedora platform trajectory
  • Development Resource targets

Fedora 4.1 Release

  • Fedora 3 to 4 migrations
  • Bug fixes
  • Features
    • Which priorities (established last year) are still relevant?
    • New Candidate features:
      • LDP-Paging
      • Audit service
      • API partitioning
      • Web Access Control
      • Remote/Asynchronous storage
    • How to support feature development from staffing/leadership perspective

Migration pilot projects

  • Goals of pilot projects
  • How to coordinate developer effort in support of pilots
  • Current state of migration pilot efforts
  • Need 3 or 4 pilot institutions to start in January
  • Solidify commitments from Leaders
Hydra & Islandora Development Impact toward Fedora4 Feature DevelopmentDeclan

Development Resources (current commitments)

  • No committer model (just contributors)
  • Lack of continuous engagement from developers
  • Challenges establishing a developer community

Community Development & Cohesion

  • Cohesion
    • Manager Involvement
    • Co-location opportunity for Devs & Managers (e.g. Austin, OR2013, etc)
  • Development
Tom & Thorny

Training Strategies (Andrew & David will summarize work to date and facilitate)

  • In Person (proposal)
  • Short, focused screencasts

Communications strategy

  • Conference attendance
    • Which conferences to attend (target audience)
    • Types of presentations to deliver (what is the message?)
    • OR2015 (Fedora IG, main conference, workshops, etc.)
    • Planning for F2F Meeting of Leadership for 2015 into 2016
  • Outreach
    • Webinars


  • 2014 summary
  • 2015 goals
    • Potential new expenses
      • Training
    • Financial target
    • Membership Expansion
      • Geographical
      • Across-sectors


  • Status of the Governance Nominations/Elections
  • Fedora Community / DuraSpace charter (Jonathan will facilitate)
  • Interest/Working Groups



  1. 2015 Targets - next six months
    1. Andrew

        - 4.0 release greenfield

        - 4.1 release - targeted for OR - get Fedora 3 to Fedora 4



         - 4.1

           - squash bugs

           - new features

         - Migration

         - Establish pilots

           - which features need to be migrated

           - get many Fedora 3 institutions involved

           - is documentation needed

           - is tooling needed

         - approach - in terms of objects

           - use a connector, helps eliminates concerns

           - connector talks to Fedora 3 REST API

           - regardless of some configuration variables

           - will simplify the transfer of assets

         - need for parallel systems

           - will need servers and storage

           - can't do an in-place upgrade

           - it's a migration, code base and storage

         - In terms of messaging

           - Software Upgrade

           - Content migration


      What do we tell people who want to stay with XML vs. RDF?

         - You can't keep all forms of XML, like inline XML

         - Fedora 3 audit trail, can become XML data stream, but not inline


      Break out Fedora 3 features

         - do some early analysis, what is going to be possible

         - requirements for Fedora 3 to Fedora 4

           - not fleshed out

         - in training, did document considerations for upgrades

           - security policies

           - versioning

           - disseminators

         - how data and functionality map from 3 to 4


      Migration Scenarios

         - greenfield installation

         - upgrade to Fedora 4 and replace functionality over time

         - Hydra

           - could have made Fedora 4 look like Fedora 3

           - strategic decision to move to Fedora 4 approach

         - continuum of migration options

           - quick analysis to determine migration needs

           - find common needs

         - migration working group

         - Migration Complexity

           - consensus it will take time to determine scope

           - Systems Administration

           - Application Functionality, Compatibility, Refactoring

           - Content Migration

         - Hydra and Islandora - will be easiest community to migrate

           - Penn State - looking at using Hydra as migration tool

         - What is possible in the next 6 months?

           - Moving Content to a new system

             - can play with content, even if you haven't moved to a new system

           - Have pilots

             - working through migration

                  - specific features and capabilities

           - content

           - After 6 months

             - have a few examples of sucessful migration

             - Documentation

                  - things you need to think about in planning transition

           - Hydra, Islandora, or Custom


      Three Migration Types

          - Greenfield

          - Hydra/Islandora

          - Custom

            - Wild West

            - Rebuild/Refactor - rewrite and ingest (Yale)

            - New functionality - incorporate back into Fedora/Hydra



      Promote the concept of community development when appropriate,

      recognize and respect the need for institutions to locally customize

      when required.


      What if there are significant issues related to Fedora 3 migration?

        - at some point the community will have difficulty in supporting

          Fedora 3 beyond security patches


      Migration consultancy

         - At OR2015, have a room for migration support


      "Upgration" - Migrate and upgrade - a new term


      1. Survey

         - collect information, quickly canvas the community

         - identify use cases, common services and approaches

         - keep as simple as reasonably possible

         - some demographic data

           - geography, size of installation

         - intended for leadership group

         - ship out after Monday January 12th

         - get responses back by February 15, 2015


      2. Establish Migration Working Group

         - Code4Lib - awareness booth

         - OR2015   - upgration booth
