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Profiling Procedure

  • YourKit 12 (committers are eligible for a free Open Source license)
  • To profile fcrepo4 with mvn jetty:run (as opposed to profiling a deployment of the webapp in another container)
    • Determine the path to your profiler agent library (platform dependent), see:
    • include -agentpath in your MAVEN_OPTS, for example, on OS X:
      • export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -agentpath:/Applications/"
    • cd fcrepo4/fcrepo-webapp
    • mvn jetty:run
    • YourKit should now display "Launcher" application as "Ready for profiling".

JMX Reporting

To enable Metrics reporting to JMX with mvn jetty:run

  • Add "" to MAVEN_OPTS, e.g.:export MAVEN_OPTS=
    • "
    -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
    • .
  • Set the System Property "fcrepo.metrics.jmx" to "true", e.g.:
    mvn jetty:run-war -Dfcrepo.metrics.jmx=true
  • Invoke jconsole, select the Local Process "org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher", and connect
    • Select the MBeans tab and navigate to "org.fcrepo"
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