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This guide should help you setup the OAI-PMH provider for Fedora 4 using Tomcat 7 as the platform. For further details, please refer to the project's documentation on GitHub.

Setting up Tomcat7

I'm using a Virtualbox VM, but this should work "as-is" on any linux platform

Xubuntu 14.04-desktop-i386

Java version "1.7.0_65", OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.2)

OpenJDK Client VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode, sharing)

CATALINA_HOME is /var/lib/tomcat7

<fcrepo> is fcrepo-webapp-4.0.0-beta-04-SNAPSHOT

On Xubuntu, Set up Tomcat. On Xubuntu, for example, setting up Tomcat is a simple command: "sudo apt-get install tomcat7" to download and install the webserver and any prerequisites. On .  On other systems, use the appropriate build-in package manager (yum, portage) to install tomcat7 or install it manually using the useful instructions on the packages website. By the completion of the installationTomcat (or visit the Apache Tomcat project documentation for more installation options). After installing and deploying Tomcat, you should be able to run tomcat and see the "It Worked!" Tomcat welcome screen when you visit http://localhost:8080


Setting up Fedora Repository

Using Use either the pre-packaged .WAR file from webapp-plus project or building build Fedora from the source files (using the helpful and informative instructions), the result should be source to get a .WAR file. Copy the .WAR file to the tomcats root directory <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps. Start/restart tomcat and http://localhost:8080/<fcrepo>/rest should display the fedora repository front page.
