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A computed fingerprint for binary content, used to ensure a complete transfer or the fixity of stored information. Fedora supports the SHA-1 checksum algorithm for safely uploading content.


The nodes which resources which are immediate children of a given nodecontainer. Properties nodes are not counted as children.


A file format defined by JCR here. It allows for the definition of new Node Types. See the ModeShape documentation for further information on how to use CND to create your own Node Types.



Datastream (aka Fedora Datastream)


An XML document which has a format that represents JCR resources. It can be used to import a set of nodes and properties into a workspace. Or it can be used to export a full representation of a Node. See for more detail.

Linked Data Platform (LDP)

The W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP) specification describes a set of best practices and simple approach for a read-write Linked Data architecture, based on HTTP access to web resources that describe their state using the RDF data model. Fedora 4 implements the LDP specification for create, read, update and delete (CRUD), allowing HTTP, REST, and linked data clients to make requests to Fedora 4.


A namespace is a container for a set of identifiers (also known as symbols, names). In Fedora 4, resource properties may belong to any namespace providing semantic assertions that support interoperable metadata. Namespaces are restricted to being an empty string or to a URI as defined in section 3 of RFC3986. An example of a namespace would be "".



Nodes are the primary organizational structure in the repository. Every node has a name and a unique identifier, and can also be identified by a path. They are comprised of zero or more properties / child nodes.

Node Type

A Node's properties and children can be limited by its Primary and Mixin Node Type. ModeShape / JCR provides a number of Node Types and Mixins. Node Types are defined in CND files within in the Fedora / ModeShape, users can define their own CND files and upload them to create new Node Types.

Object (aka Fedora Object)


Code Block
LocalName ::= ValidString - SelfOrParent
/* Any ValidString except SelfOrParent */
SelfOrParent ::= '.' | '..' 
ValidString ::= ValidChar {ValidChar}
ValidChar ::= XmlChar - InvalidChar
/* Any XmlChar except InvalidChar */
InvalidChar ::= '/' | ':' | '[' | ']' | '|' | '*'
XmlChar ::= /* Any character that matches the Char production at */ 




Properties are typed values name/value pairs that belong to Nodes. Properties can be restricted to a single value or can be a collection of values with the same name (A property's multiplicity is limited by the Node definition in which it is defined). They can be any one of the following types: STRING, BINARY, LONG, DOUBLE, DATE, BOOLEAN, NAME, PATH, REFERENCE, WEAKREFERENCE, URI, and DECIMAL resources. The name of a property can be any term from a namespaced vocabulary. When RDF is generated in response to a request for a resource that contains properties, the RDF will contain triples for each property where the subject of the triple is the resource itself, the predicate of the triple is the property name, and the object of the triple is the value of the property. Property values can be of any valid rdf:type.


An RDF property that is used to define that the Node described belongs to a class of functionality / behavior. For example is an rdf:type that denotes the node can contain other nodes. The official definition can be found here.


A repository is a single, self-contained persistent store of information plus the software that is used to access and update that information. Fedora is a repository.


Resources are the primary organizational structure in the repository. A resource is any web-addressable entity, such as a container, a nonRdfSourceDescription, or a binary. Every resource has a name and a unique identifier, and can also be identified by a path. They are comprised of zero or more properties / child resources.


A transaction represents a series of changes to the repository that must execute successfully and completely or not at all. Transactions should be used to ensure consistency. Each transaction succeeds or fails as a complete unit; it cannot remain in an intermediate state.



Uniform resource identifier (URI)


A snapshot of a resource that is saved in version history for later access.


The repository is divided into separate named workspaces, and it is within these workspaces that all content is stored as a tree-structure of nodes. The top of the tree structure is the root node (named "/"), and all nodes in the tree are accessible via navigation (path) or via query result. At a minimum, there is always a default workspace (named "default")