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Comment: update for flyway


Most of the functionality that DSpace uses can be offered by any standard SQL database that supports transactions. Presently, the browse indices However at this time, DSpace APIS use some features specific to PostgreSQL and Oracle, so some modification to the code would be needed before DSpace would function fully with an alternative database back-end.

The package provides access to an SQL database in a somewhat simpler form than using JDBC directly. The main primary class is DatabaseManager, which executes SQL queries and returns TableRow or TableRowIterator objects. The InitializeDatabase class is used to load SQL into the database via JDBC, for example to set up the schema.

The database schema used by DSpace is initialized and upgraded automatically using Flyway DB. The DatabaseUtils class manages all Flyway API calls, and executes the SQL migrations under the package and the Java migrations under All calls to the Database Manager require a DSpace Context object. Example use of the database manager API is given in the package Javadoc.

The database schema used by DSpace is created by SQL statements stored in a directory specific to each supported RDBMS platform:

  • PostgreSQL schemas are in [dspace-source]/dspace/etc/postgres/
  • Oracle schemas are in [dspace-source]/dspace/etc/oracle/
    The SQL (DDL) statements to create the tables for the current release, starting with an empty database, aer in database_schema.sql. The schema SQL file also creates the two required e-person groups (Anonymous and Administrator) that are required for the system to function properly.

Also in [dspace-source]/dspace/etc/[database] are various SQL files called database_schema_1x_1y. These contain the necessary SQL commands to update a live DSpace database from version 1.x to 1.y. Note that this might not be the only part of an upgrade process: see Updating a DSpace Installation for details.

The DSpace database code uses an SQL function getnextid to assign primary keys to newly created rows. This SQL function must be safe to use if several JVMs are accessing the database at once; for example, the Web UI might be creating new rows in the database at the same time as the batch item importer. The PostgreSQL-specific implementation of the method uses SEQUENCES for each table in order to create new IDs. If an alternative database backend were to be used, the implementation of getnextid could be updated to operate with that specific DBMS.

The etc directory in the source distribution contains two further SQL files. clean-database.sql contains the SQL necessary to completely clean out the database, so use with caution! The Ant target clean_database can be used to execute this. update-sequences.sql contains SQL to reset the primary key generation sequences to appropriate values. You'd need to do this if, for example, you're restoring a backup database dump which creates rows with specific primary keys already defined. In such a case, the sequences would allocate primary keys that were already used.

Versions of the .sql files for Oracle are stored in [dspace-source]/dspace/etc/oracle. These need to be copied over their PostgreSQL counterparts in [dspace-source]/dspace/etc prior to installation.

Maintenance and Backup

When using PostgreSQL, it's a good idea to perform regular 'vacuuming' of the database to optimize performance. This is performed by the vacuumdb command which can be executed via a 'cron' job, for example by putting this in the system crontab:

Code Block
# clean up the database nightly
40 2 * * * /usr/local/pgsql/bin/vacuumdb --analyze dspace > /dev/null 2>&1

The DSpace database can be backed up and restored using usual methods, for example with pg_dump and psql. However when restoring a database, you will need to perform these additional steps:

.  While Flyway is automatically initialized and executed during the initialization of DatabaseManager, various Database Utilities are also available on the command line..

Maintenance and Backup

When using PostgreSQL, it's a good idea to perform regular 'vacuuming' of the database to optimize performance. By default, PostgreSQL performs automatic vacuuming on your behalf.  However, if you have this feature disabled, then we recommend scheduling the vacuumdb command to run on a regular basis.

Code Block
# clean up the database nightly
40 2 * * * /usr/local/pgsql/bin/vacuumdb --analyze dspace > /dev/null 2>&1


Backups: The DSpace database can be backed up and restored using usual PostgreSQL Backup and Restore methods, for example with pg_dump and psql. However when restoring a database, you will need to perform these additional steps:

  • After restoring a backup, you will need to reset the primary key generation sequences so that they do not produce already-used primary keys. Do this by executing the SQL in [dspace]/etc/postgres/update-sequences.sql, for example with:

    Code Block
    psql -U dspace -f [dspace]/etc/update-sequences.sql
  • The fresh_install target loads up the initial contents of the Dublin Core type and bitstream format registries, as well as two entries in the epersongrouptable for the system anonymous and administrator groups. Before you restore a raw backup of your database you will need to remove these, since they will already exist in your backup, possibly having been modified. For example, use:

    Code Block
    DELETE FROM dctyperegistry;
    DELETE FROM bitstreamformatregistry;
    DELETE FROM epersongroup;
  • After restoring a backup, you will need to reset the primary key generation sequences so that they do not produce already-used primary keys. Do this by executing the SQL in [dspace-source]/dspace/etc/update-sequences.sql, for example with:

    Code Block
    psql -U dspace -f  [dspace-source]/dspace/etc/update-sequences.sql
    Future updates of DSpace may involve minor changes to the database schema. Specific instructions on how to update the schema whilst keeping live data will be included. The current schema also contains a few currently unused database columns, to be used for extra functionality in future releases. These unused columns have been added in advance to minimize the effort required to upgrade.

Configuring the RDBMS Component

The database manager is configured with the following properties in dspace.cfg:


The JDBC URL to use for accessing the database. This should not point to a connection pool, since DSpace already implements a connection pool.


JDBC driver class name. Since presently, DSpace uses PostgreSQL-specific features, this should be org.postgresql.Driver.


Username to use when accessing the database.


Corresponding password ot use when accessing the database.


DSpace offers two means for storing content. The first is

  1. Storage in the file system on the server


  1. Storage using SRB (Storage Resource Broker)

. Both are achieved using a simple, lightweight API.


The bitstream storage manager provides three methods that store, retrieve and delete bitstreams. Bitstreams are referred to by their 'ID'; that is the primary key bitstream_id column of the corresponding row in the database.database.

There As of DSpace version 1.1, there can be multiple bitstream stores. Each of these bitstream stores can be traditional storage or SRB storage. This means that the potential storage of a DSpace system is not bound by the maximum size of a single disk or file system and also that traditional and SRB storage can be combined in one DSpace installation. Both traditional and SRB storage are specified by configuration parameters. Also see Configuring the Bitstream Store below.


For example, a bitstream with the internal ID 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 is stored in the directory:

Code Block
(assetstore dir)[dspace]/assetstore/12/34/56/12345678901234567890123456789012345678


  • Using a randomly-generated 38-digit number means that the 'number space' is less cluttered than simply using the primary keys, which are allocated sequentially and are thus close together. This means that the bitstreams in the store are distributed around the directory structure, improving access efficiency.
  • The internal ID is used as the filename partly to avoid requiring an extra lookup of the filename of the bitstream, and partly because bitstreams may be received from a variety of operating systems. The original name of a bitstream may be an illegal UNIX filename.
    When storing a bitstream, the BitstreamStorageManager DOES set the following fields in the corresponding database table row:
    • bitstream_id
    • size
    • checksum
    • checksum_algorithm
    • internal_id
    • deleted
    • store_number
  • The remaining fields are the responsibility of the Bitstream content management API class.


The above techniques mean that the bitstream storage manager is transaction-safe. Over time, the bitstream database table and file store may contain a number of 'deleted' bitstreams. The cleanup method of BitstreamStorageManager goes through these deleted rows, and actually deletes them along with any corresponding files left in the storage. It only removes 'deleted' bitstreams that are more than one hour old, just in case cleanup is happening in the middle of a storage operation.This cleanup can be invoked from the command line via the Cleanup class, which can in turn be easily executed from a shell on the server machine using /dspace/bin/dspace cleanup. You might like to have this run regularly by cron, though since DSpace is read-lots, write-not-so-much it doesn't need to be run very often.. Over time, the bitstream database table and file store may contain a number of 'deleted' bitstreams. The cleanup method of BitstreamStorageManager goes through these deleted rows, and actually deletes them along with any corresponding files left in the storage. It only removes 'deleted' bitstreams that are more than one hour old, just in case cleanup is happening in the middle of a storage operation.

This cleanup can be invoked from the command line via the cleanup command, which can in turn be easily executed from a shell on the server machine using [dspace]/bin/dspace cleanup. You might like to have this run regularly by cron, though since DSpace is read-lots, write-not-so-much it doesn't need to be run very often.

Code Block
# Clean up any deleted files from local storage on first of the month at 2:40am
40 2 1 * * [dspace]/bin/dspace cleanup > /dev/null 2>&1


The bitstreams (files) in traditional storage may be backed up very easily by simply 'tarring' or 'zipping' the assetstore directory [dspace]/assetstore/ directory (or whichever directory is configured in dspace.cfg). Restoring is as simple as extracting the backed-up compressed file in the appropriate location.
