Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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    - Add '<import resource="classpath:/spring/oai.xml"/>' after the other <import declarations at the end of the file

    - Save the file


4b) Make sure the OAI namespace is defined as a Compact Node Type. I added:

<oai = ''>

To fcrepo-kernel-impl/src/main/resources/fedora-node-types.cnd in the main core and rebuilt, but you may have to find another way to add it. See Here


5) Restart tomcat, wait a while. Go to http://localhost:8080/<fcrepo>/rest/oai?verb=Identify. If it all worked, you should see xml that defines the default configuration for the OAI-PMH provider.



Configuring the OAI-PMH provider

The OAI-Provider relies on 4 properties being present in the main repository for the IDENTIFY verb. Those properties are:






These properties have to populated manually for now, using the following sparql-update queries:

INSERT {<> oai:repositoryName "exciting repository name here"}
INSERT {<> oai:description "exciting description here"}
INSERT {<> oai:version "4.0.0-beta-04-SNAPSHOT"}
INSERT {<> oai:adminEmail ""}


If one or more of the properties are missing, the OAI provider should use the built-in values:

oai:repositoryName: "Fedora 4"

oai:description: "An example respository decription"

oai:version: "4.0.0"
