Versions Compared


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  1. Use the application initialization (app-config) utiltiy to configure the deployed DuraCloud applications
    1. Build If you haven't already done a full build, you need to build the app-config utility, from within the //app-config module. From the top of the source tree, execute (you can skip this if you made it through step 6 above):

      Code Block
      mvn assembly:assembly clean install -pl app-config
    2. Run the app-config utility from the //app-config/target directory

      Code Block
      java -jar target/app-config-[VERSION]-driver.jar <init.props>
      1. The init.props file is a configuration file which specifies all of the information necessary for the DuraCloud applications to run. An example of this file can be found at //app-config/src/main/resources/init.props. This file will need to be updated to match your environment.
    3. When the app-config utility completes successfully, the last line of output printed to the console will be the word "success". If this is not the case, check that your configuration file includes the correct information.
