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From the browser:  JSPUI


From the command line

The user command

The dspace user command adds, lists, modifies, and deletes EPerson records.

To create a new user account:

Code Block
[dspace]/bin/dspace user --add --email -g John -s User --password hiddensecret
[dspace]/bin/dspace user --add --netid jquser --telephone 555-555-1234 --password hiddensecret


-m--emailemail address
-n--netid"netid" (a username in an external system such as a directory – see Authentication Methods for details)
-p--passworda password for the account.  Required.
-g--givennameFirst or given name

Last or surname

-t--telephoneTelephone number
-l--languagePreferred language
-c--requireCertificateCertificate required?  See X.509 Authentication for details.

To list accounts:

Code Block
[dspace]/bin/dspace user --list



To modify an account:

Code Block
[dspace]/bin/dspace user --modify -m
-m--emailidentify the account by email address
-n--netididentify the account by netid
-g--givennameFirst or given name
-s--surnameLast or surname
-t--telephonetelephone number
-l--languagepreferred language
-c--requireCertificatecertificate required?
-C--canLogInis the account enabled or disabled?
-i--newEmailset or change email address
-I--newNetidset or change netid


To delete an account:

Code Block
[dspace]/bin/dspace user --delete -n martha
-m--emailidentify the account by email address
-n--netididentify the account by netid

The Groomer

This tool inspects all user accounts for several conditions.

-a--agingfind accounts not logged in since a given date
-u--unsaltedfind accounts not using salted password hashes

date cutoff for --aging

-d--deletedelete disused accounts (used with --aging)


Find accounts with unsalted passwords

Earlier versions of DSpace used an "unsalted hash" method to protect user passwords.  Recent versions use a salted hash.  You can find accounts which have never been converted to salted hashing:

Code Block
titleDiscovering accounts with unsalted password hashes
[DSpace]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.eperson.Groomer -u

The output is a list of email addresses for matching accounts.

Find (and perhaps delete) disused accounts

You can list accounts which have not logged on since a given date:

Code Block
titleDiscovering disused accounts
[DSpace]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.eperson.Groomer -a -b 07/20/1969

The output is a tab-separated-value table of the EPerson ID, last login date, email address, netid, and full name for each matching account.

You can also have the tool delete matching accounts:

Code Block
titleDeleting disused accounts
[DSpace]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.eperson.Groomer -a -b 07/20/1969 -d