Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleReconciled Questions
  • Do we want to keep any other foaf properties beyond setting the type to foaf person? 
    • ANSWER:  None extra needed in our triplestore.   We can revisit this if it becomes clear by the implementation that we need to keep additional information.


Virtual Collection's metadata


Code Block
@prefix dc:         <> .
@prefix dcterms:    <> .
  dcterms:title        "My Virtual Collection" ;
  dcterms:description  "These are resources I am gathering together for personal use." ;
  dc:creator           <> .


titleReconciled Questions
  • What properties should be used to express the virtual collection metadata? Possibilities and answer as Selected Property…

    ConceptPotential PropertiesSelected PropertyComments
     Titlerdfs:label, dc:title, dcterms:titledcterms:titleBased on ORE ontology specification
     Descriptionrdfs:comment, dc:description, dcterms:descriptiondcterms:descriptionBased on ORE ontology specification
     Ownerdc:creator, dcterms:creatordc:creatorBased on ORE ontology specification


Virtual Collection's list of items


Example 1-co:  A Virtual Collection as an ordered collection of items using Collection Ontology's List with one item


titleExpand to see n-triples...
Code Block
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <>
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162>
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162>
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162>

<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <>
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> <> <>




Code Block
titleTurtle using Collection ontology's List class
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix co:      <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> a co:List ;
  co:size       "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
  co:firstItem  <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> ;
  co:item       <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> ;
  co:lastItem   <http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vci162> a co:ListItem
  co:index        "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
  co:itemContent  <> .



Example 1-ore:  A Virtual Collection as an ordered collection of items using ORE Ontology's Aggregation with one item


Example 2-ore:  A Virtual Collection as an ordered collection of items using ORE Ontology's Aggregation with multiple ordered items


titleExpand to see n-triples...
Code Block
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> <> <> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy162> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy162> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy162> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy162> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy163> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy163> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy163> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy163> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy163> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy164> .

<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy164> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy164> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy164> <> <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> .




Code Block
titleTurtle using ORE ontology's Aggregation class
@prefix ore:     <> .
@prefix iana:    <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> a ore:Aggregation ;
  ore:aggregates <> ;
  ore:aggregates <> ;
  ore:aggregates <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy162> a ore:Proxy ;
  ore:proxyFor <> ;
  ore:proxyIn <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> ;
  iana:next <http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy163> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy163> a ore:Proxy ;
  ore:proxyFor <> ;
  ore:proxyIn <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> ;
  iana:next <http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy164> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/pxy164> a ore:Proxy ;
  ore:proxyFor <> ;
  ore:proxyIn <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> .





  • Should Virtual Collection's type be a subclass of co:List instead of a co:List?
    • If so, what is the type?  Consensus:   Subclass of co:List  Ontology to be defined by ontology group.
    • Is it LD4L specific?  Consensus:  YES to be defined by ontology group.
    • How is LD4L defining new types?  Naming convention, namespace, etc.?  Final definitions by ontology group.
      • For now, use namespace=LD4L in Ruby with link <  – to be defined by ontology group
      • Class name=ld4l:VirtualCollection
      • type URI=<>
      • instance URI=<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc123> –
        • what ever I want for now
        • suggest use of individual in URI meaning an instance of a class (used by VIVO too)
        • id starts with alpha because syntax something:vc123 – cannot have number directly after :


NOTE: This doesn't really come into play until Use Case 1.2, but I want to think about the other access issues with this in mind.