Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
@prefix foaf:    <> .

<??? URI WITH NETID ???> a foaf:Person .


  • What URI do we use for a user?  Does NETID make the URI unique?
  • Do we want to keep any other foaf properties beyond setting the type to foaf person?


Code Block
@prefix rdfs:    <> .
@prefix dc:      <> .
  rdfs:label    "My Virtual Collection" ;
  rdfs:comment  "These are resources I am gathering together for personal use." ;
  dc:creator    ??? TODO DEFINE FOAF PERSON AND USE URI HERE ??? .

NOTE:  Potential alternatives...


Code Block
<http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/changeme:155/item/changeme:159/comment/changeme:93> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/changeme:155/item/changeme:159/comment/changeme:93> <> <http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/item/changeme:156> .
<http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/changeme:155/item/changeme:159/comment/changeme:93> <> <http://localhost:3000/annotations/bodies/3652730_changeme:93> .
<http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/changeme:155/item/changeme:159/comment/changeme:93> <> <> .

<http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/changeme:155/item/changeme:159/comment/changeme:93/body> <> <> .
<http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/changeme:155/item/changeme:159/comment/changeme:93/body> <> "This is my favorite book." .
<http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/changeme:155/item/changeme:159/comment/changeme:93/body> <> "text/plain" .

<http://localhost:3000/annotations/bodies/3652730_changeme:93> <> <http://localhost:3000/works/3652730/annotations/changeme:93> .
Code Block
@prefix rdf:      <> .
@prefix dcterms:  <> .
@prefix dcmitype: <> .
@prefix cnt:      <> .
@prefix oa:       <> .
<http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/changeme:155/item/changeme:159/comment/changeme:93> a oa:Annotation ;
  oa:hasTarget <http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/item/changeme:156> ;
  oa:hasBody <http://localhost:3000/annotations/bodies/3652730_changeme:93> ;
  oa:motivatedBy oa:Comments .

<http://localhost:3000/virtualcollection/changeme:155/item/changeme:159/comment/changeme:93/body> a dcmitype:Text ;
  cnt:chars      "This is my favorite book." ;
  dcterms:format "text/plain" .

<http://localhost:3000/annotations/bodies/3652730_changeme:93> rdf:seeAlso <http://localhost:3000/works/3652730/annotations/changeme:93> .

QUESTIONS: about URI generation...

  • URI for the annotation and annotation body are generated to be unique.
    • Currently shows structure used by Hydra implementation using pid assigned from Hydra UI used to create the annotation which was used for the initial annotation demo at Stanford.  This may not apply going forward.
    • Actual structure of URI is TBA
    • Would this URI be the same as the URL that would allow access to the comment via the web?
  • Original demo at Stanford included a see also property for the annotation.  The see also link was the URL to the visual representation on a webpage.
    • Do we want something similar?
  • These same questions apply to virtual collections.