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titleInterface Points - APIs

Note: Colors indicate where calls to a particular interface method will originate. For example, a method in the bridge API is green if the calls to that method are made from a Snapshot Storage Provider Task. A method in the bridge API is red if the calls to that method are made from Chronopolis.

DuraCloud UI (DurAdmin)

  • <No additional API calls>

Snapshot Storage Provider Tasks

  • Create snapshot (space ID)
    • create snapshot properties file, store it in space
    • space transitioned to read only
    • call made to bridge API to create snapshot
  • Get snapshot status (snapshot ID)
    • call made to bridge for status
  • Complete snapshot (snapshot ID, space ID)
    • set bucket deletion policy
  • Get list of snapshots
    • call to bridge for snapshot list, formats results
  • Get list of content items (snapshot ID, offset, maxresults)
    • call to bridge for content item list
  • Restore snapshot (snapshot ID)
    • verify that a
    • create a space for the snapshot to be placed into
    • call to bridge to restore
  • Get restore status (snapshot ID)
    • call made to bridge for status

Bridge API

  • Create snapshot (host, port, spaceID, snapshotID)
    • create snapshot db entry
    • copy content to bridge storage
    • create a manfitest for content
    • notify chronopolis that snapshot is ready for storage
  • Get snapshot status (host, port, snapshot ID)
    • query snapshot status from the db (and from chronopolis, depending on status)
  • Snapshot storage complete (snapshot ID)
    • delete content in bridge storage
    • call task to indicate that snapshot is complete
    • notify end user that snapshot is complete
  • Get list of snapshots (host)
    • Queries db for snapshot list available to host
  • Get list of content items (snapshot ID, offset, maxresults)
    • Queries db for content item list for the given snapshot ID
  • Begin Restore snapshot (host, port, spaceId, snapshot ID)
    • create restore db entry
    • create a directory on bridge storage
    • requests restore from chronopolis
  • Restore snapshot (snapshot ID)
    • copy content to Duracloud
    • update content metadata
    • verify restored content
    • delete content on bridge
    • notify end user that restore is complete
  • Get restore status (host, port, snapshot ID)
    • query restore status from the db (and from chronopolis, depending on status)

Chronopolis API

  • Store snapshot (snapshot ID, bridge storage path)
  • Get snapshot status (snapshot ID)
  • Restore snapshot (snapshot ID, bridge storage path)
  • Get restore status (snapshot ID)