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The Editing Framework provides the user with the tools needed to edit the RDF data. In some cases, a simple default screen will suffice. For more elaborate data structures, the Editing Framework creates related groups of data objects, and enforces the relationships among them.

There are no rigorous interfaces to define the Controllers or the Editing Framework. There are many inter-dependencies among the modules.


The DAOs, or Data Access Objects, form a layer of secondary logic. They provide a large number of utility subroutines, to take the repetitive processing tasks away from the Controllers and Editing Framework.

The DAOs also provide a framework for the filtering layer.

There are a large number of interfaces that define the DAO layer. The layer is not clearly delineated.


Data within VIVO can be public or private, or shades of gray. The Filtering layer works with the Authentication system to determine which pieces of data may be displayed to a particular user. 

The Filtering layer means that the Controllers don't need to include logic for this sort of decision. The Controller asks the Filtered DAOs for data, and receive all that data that receives as much data as the current user is authorized to see.

The interface is specified by

Semantic Reasoner

Search Indexer

Semantic Reasoner

One of the principal strengths of RDF is that we can infer additional data from the data at hand. However, the logic involved can be complicated and time-consuming.

Currently VIVO applies two different reasoners to the Content RDF. The TBOX - or Ontology models - are small enough that extensive reasoning can be applied. Currently, the Pellet reasoner is used. Applying that same level of inference to the ABOX - or Assertions models - would take a prohibitive amount of time. VIVO uses its own reasoner for this, applying only those logical inferences that VIVO requires to function.

The interface is not clearly specified. This is a goal for the next release.

Search Indexer

The Search Indexer reacts to changes in the Content RDF, updating the search index to reflect those changes. Several types of logic are employed to determine which individuals are affected by the RDF changes, and how to build the search records for those individuals. Sometimes a single change requires that several search records be rebuilt.

The interface is not clearly specified. 


Template Engine
