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    • need URIs for all authors, researchers, people as subjects in MARC, article records, EAD
    • relate URIs of all authors to VIAF, ORCID, etc. 
    • index affiliation data inot OPAC
    • create bibliographic LD service for VIVO/CAP/Profiles to hit, return search results (use case A1)
    • ...

Cluster: Leveraging external authorities


Use Case: Search with External Authorities for Record Enrichment & Pivoting

As a researcher, I'd like more context for my search results, and be able to pivot, extend or refine a search with a single click, in order to better assess foun resources, find related resources, and filter or expand search results to broaden or narrow a search on the fly.  

Potential Demonstrations 

A. <author,subject> searches in OPAC show a panel of related information for context

B1. <place> searches can be done w/ spatial search (bounding box on a map)

B2. Search results with spatial data can be shown on a map with points. (works about this place, published in this place, by authors born in this place)

C. Individual records with linked URIs get enriched displays by linking out to external services. (DBpedia, OCLC Works, MusicBrains, IMDB, Amazon...)

D. Intelligent term expansions / suggestions based on LD show up as

D1. type-ahead in a search box

D2. suggestions on a zero-results search page

Implementation Notes 

Data Sources Needed
    • ...
Engineering Work 
    • ...


Use Case: Authority-enhanced Forms Entry

As a <cataloger,depositor into a repository,faculty entering profile data>, I'd like an authority-enhanced look-up service that suggests authorized forms of data when doing data entry, so that data entry is faster, easier, unambiguous and less prone to error.  

Potential Demonstrations 

A. Catalogers get...

B. IR form...

C. Faculty profiles...

Implementation Notes 

Data Sources Needed
    • ...
Engineering Work 
    • ...