Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. fcrepo-build-tools: if schedule for a release, must be handled first since it's version number is present in the other modules
  2. fcrepo4: the main project, always part of a release, takes the vast majority of the time
  3. fcrepo-jms-indexer-pluggable
  4. fcrepo-module-auth-xacml
  5. fcrepo-sample-dataset


Merge the release candidate branch into master (if any commits were made)


No Format
mvn site-deploy -DskipTests
** Resume from a given module, if necessary
mvn site-deploy -DskipTests -rf <module>

Update index.html pages in branch "gh-pages" for releases projects: fcrepo4, fcrepo-jms-indexer-pluggable, fcrepo-module-auth-xacml, etc

Troubleshooting site-deploy

titleError creating blob: API rate limit exceeded

Github only allows a certain number of requests per hour.  Once that number is hit you'll have to wait an hour before resuming your operation.  The site documentation may exhaust this limit several times.


Create GitHub release

Under GitHub account/releases, select "Draft new release".

  • Write a description
  • Create MD5 and SHA1 files for each of the release artifacts

    Code Block
    export RELEASE_VERSION=4.0.0-beta-01
    sha1sum fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION.war |cut -f1 -d' ' > fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION.war.sha1
    md5sum fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION.war |cut -f1 -d' ' > fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION.war.md5
    sha1sum fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION-jetty-console.war |cut -f1 -d' ' > fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION-jetty-console.war.sha1
    md5sum fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION-jetty-console.war |cut -f1 -d' ' > fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION-jetty-console.war.md5
    sha1sum fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION-auth.war |cut -f1 -d' ' > fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION-auth.war.sha1
    md5sum fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION-auth.war |cut -f1 -d' ' > fcrepo-webapp-$RELEASE_VERSION-auth.war.md5
  • Upload artifacts to GitHub release (war, war.asc, war.md5, war.sha1)


Complete the Duraspace wiki documentation updates


At the very minimum, update the following:

Release Notes


This section needs updating - A.Woods 2014-01-02

If this is a new major or minor point release, copy the previous point release documentation to create the current wiki (/FEDORA XY ), then update accordingly. Mark the new pages as current, and update the pages in the previous documentation to indicate they are out-of-date.


Update the Fedora Repository site


This section needs updating - A.Woods 2014-01-02


Fedora Repository site (Drupal):
