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If you add files when the Media Streamer service is already running, they too will automatically be available for streaming.

Bit Integrity Checker


The Bit Integrity Checker provides the ability to verify that the content held within DuraCloud has maintained its bit integrity. There are two modes of operation.

  1. Verify integrity of a Space
  2. Verify integrity of an item list

When running in the Verify integrity of a Space mode, the checker performs the following steps

  • collect the content hash values for each item from the underlying storage provider
  • stream through each item recalculating their hashes
  • compare the two listings

When running in the Verify integrity of an item list mode, the checker performs the following steps

  • stream through each item in the provided listing, recalculating their hashes
  • compare the newly generated listing with the provided listing

Configuration Options:

  1. Stores: The underlying storage provider over which the service will run
  2. Space containing content items: The DuraCloud space in which the content items to be verified reside
  3. Verify integrity of an item list mode
    1. Input listing name: Name of the content item which contains the listing of items over which to run the service

Service Ouputs
All outputs of this service are placed in the system space, x-service-out.

  1. bitintegrity/fingerprints-gen-<spaceId>-<date>.csv
    • Interim listing generated with hash values from underlying storage provider
  2. bitintegrity/fingerprints-<spaceId>-<date>.csv
    • Interim listing with hashes recalculated from content streams
  3. bitintegrity/fixity-report-<spaceId>-<date>.csv
    • Final report with status of integrity check

Bit Integrity Checker - Tools


The Bit Integrity Checker Tools provide additional bit integrity checking utilities which can be used to perform specific integrity checking tasks.


  1. Generate integrity information for a Space
  2. Generate integrity information for an item list
  3. Compare two integrity reports

Configuration Options:

  1. Mode 1 - Generate integrity information for a Space
    1. Get integrity information from...
      1. The storage provider: Determine the file MD5 by asking the storage provider for its stored MD5 value
      2. The files themselves: Determine the file MD5 by retrieving them from the storage provider and computing the MD5
    2. Stores: The underlying storage provider in which the following space resides
      1. Space containing content items: The DuraCloud space in which the content items to be considered reside
  2. Mode 2 - Generate integrity information for an item list
    1. Get integrity information from...
      1. The storage provider: Determine the file MD5 by asking the storage provider for its stored MD5 value
      2. The files themselves: Determine the file MD5 by retrieving them from the storage provider and computing the MD5
      3. Input listing name: Name of the content item which contains the listing of items over which to run the service
    2. Stores: The underlying storage provider in which the following space resides
      1. Space with input listing: The DuraCloud space in which the input listing file resides
  3. Mode 3 - Compare two integrity reports
    1. Input listing name: Name of the first content item which contains a listing of items to be compared to the second listing
    2. Second input listing name: Name of the second content item which contains a listing of items to be compared to the first listing
    3. Stores: The underlying storage provider in which the following spaces reside
      1. Space with input listing: The DuraCloud space in which the first input listing file resides
      2. Space with second input listing: The DuraCloud space in which the second input listing file resides

Service Ouputs
All outputs of this service are placed in the system space, x-service-out.

  1. bitintegrity/fingerprints-<spaceId>-<date>.csv
    • Listing of hashes when running in from space or from list modes
  2. bitintegrity/fixity-report-<listingId-0>-vs-<listingId-1>-<date>.csv
    • Comparison report of two hash listings