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Compatible with Fedora Version 3.0.

Table of Contents

About This Service
New Features in Version 2.1.1
New Features in Version 2.1
New Features in Version 2.0
Configuring the Service
Configuring the Service for Automatic Updates
Configuring Fedora for Automatic Updates
Additional Information

About This Service

The Fedora Generic Search Service, abbreviated GSearch, is part of the Fedora Service Framework. It was developed by Gert Schmeltz Pedersen at the Technical University of Denmark, with feedback and contributions from members of the Fedora community, including Beth Kirschner, Binaya Poudyal, Blake Anderson, Boon Low, Christian Tønsberg, Eric Brown, Jun Yamog, Junran Lei, Leire Urcelay, Luis Zorita, Matt Zumwalt, Matthias Razum, Michael Appleby, Michael Hoppe, Nikolai Schwertner, Patrick Monbaron, Pierre-Yves Landron, Ranju Upadhyaya, Robert Sherratt, Ryan E. Scherle, Sam Liberman, Shunde Zhang, Steve DiDomenico Thierry Michel, and Xinjian Guo.


GSearch may run in a separate web server and may index more than one Fedora repository, and it may update more than one index in parallel. For further architectural details, see Additional Information

New Features in Version 2.1

  • Fedora 3.0 compatibility

New Features in Version 2.1

  • Fedora 3.0b2 compatibility
  • Added an update listener which uses the Fedora Messaging Client to listen for updates being performed through API-M. These update messages contain the information needed to perform index updates, thereby keeping GSearch up-to-date with the Fedora repository.
  • Enhanced the sortFields parameter to gfindObjects for Lucene, sorting search results by a custom Comparator class, see the file in configTestOnLucene and the test class dk.defxws.fedoragsearch.test.ComparatorSourceTest.
  • Enhanced the fromFoxmlFiles action of updateIndex for Lucene, so that all files are attempted to be indexed, even though one or more may fail, in which case log messages are given. Before, one failure would cause abortion.

New Features in Version 2.0

  • Added a plugin for the Apache Solr search server.
  • Added easier configuration, so that you need only edit one file with property values, then run it with ant.
  • Updated to Lucene version 2.3.0.
  • Wiki Markup
    Added params to indexing in the format: ...&indexDocXslt=\[xslt-name\]\[(paramname1=value1\[,paramname2=value2\[,...\]\])\] Use the parameters at indexing time by putting xsl:param statement in the indexing xslt stylesheet, like this: <xsl:param name="someparamname" select="defaultvalue"/>
  • Added optimize options for Lucene indexing:
    fgsindex.mergeFactor and fgsindex.maxBufferedDocs will affect performance, see the file in configTestOnLucene. Also added ...?operation=updateIndex&action=optimize which will perform IndexWriter.optimize() which merges all segments together into a single segment, optimizing an index for search. Removed the optimize() call after each updateIndex.
  • Added untokenizedFields property to Lucene files. Adding the property with a list of all untokenized fields will ensure that they all select the appropriate analyzer.
  • Added a sortFields parameter to gfindObjects for Lucene, sorting search results as specified, see the file in configTestOnLucene.
  • Added properties snippetBegin and snippetEnd, making highlight code configurable, see the file in configTestOnLucene.
  • Added property for custom URIResolver used by xslt transformers for basic auth and SSL, see the example dk.defxws.fedoragsearch.server.URIResolverImpl class and the file in configTestOnLucene.
  • Removed encoding of special characters in indexFields. Snippets now show special characters without modification. Indexes should be reindexed.


To install the service:

  • Deploy fedoragsearch.war to the webapps directory of your web server, e.g. the Tomcat supplied with Fedora, or similar. You may rename the .war file, before you copy it into the webapps directory, in order to give it another webapp name.
  • Edit the configuration settings.

The SOAP service operations are deployed with the .war file, and, when deployed, the .wsdl file is available at services/FgsOperations?wsdl.

Configuring the Service

  • Edit the property values in the configvalues.xml file in .../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/ (where <WEBAPPNAME> by default is 'fedoragsearch'):
    o Set the property values for your environment.
    o Select the default config in configDefault.
    o Save this edited file outside of the web server.
    o Run target configOnWebServer after deployment from command line:
    >ant -f configvalues.xml configOnWebServer
    This will set your values into,, and Read these files to make sure they are correct.
  • Then you may restart <WEBAPPNAME> and call http://<HOSTPORT>/<WEBAPPNAME>/rest in order to index and search. The name "rest" may be reconfigured in .../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/WEB-INF/web.xml
  • Try the demo command line client. Change directory to .../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/client/ make the file executable, and run sh then you will get the usage instruction.
  • Tailor the demos for your own purpose by editing renamed copies of the demo xslt stylesheets in .../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/WEB-INF/classes/config/rest/ Then edit
  • Tailor the demo Lucene indexing stylesheet for your own purpose by editing a renamed copy of the demo xslt stylesheet in .../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/WEB-INF/classes/config/index/<INDEXNAME>/demoFoxmlToLucene.xslt For the sake of the example, the stylesheet indexes only active Fedora objects with PID starting with "demo" The options for tailoring include fields from other metadata datastreams than DC, field types and field boosts, see the stylesheet for options. Then edit
  • For your real applications, you must carefully edit all stylesheets for your purpose.
  • Inspect the Lucene index with Luke. Notice, Luke cannot open an empty Lucene index.
  • You may tailor the highlight of search terms in demo.css.
  • You may want to experiment with more than one configuration, in which case you may maintain them under different names in parallel to the "config" configuration, which is the default configuration. In order to activate an alternative configuration you may use the semi-secret operation configure with parameter configName, either using the demo command line client or the REST interface.

Configuring the service for Automatic Updates

As of version 2.1, GSearch has the ability to listen to update messages provided by Fedora. These messages are sent via JMS, so a JMS provider must be available (a JMS provider is included with Fedora 3.0). In order to configure the update listener, open and set the following property values. These values will most likely be the same as those specified in your Fedora configuration.


If you decide not to use the automatic updates feature in GSearch, you'll need to open and remove (or comment out) the line specifying fedoragsearch.updaternames. This will disable the update listener.

Configuring Fedora for Automatic Updates

Fedora 3.0 added the ability to send a message whenever a change is made to the content of the repository (through API-M.) This messaging capability must be enabled and configured to work properly. See the Fedora documentation for instructions on configuring messaging.


  • gSearchRESTURL - The REST endpoint for GSearch, for example, http://localhost:8080/fedoragsearch/rest
  • gSearchUsername - If GSearch is protected by authentication, this is the username that Fedora should use to authenticate.
  • gSearchPassword - The password for the above user, if applicable

Additional Information

Search Engine Plugins
Architectural Snapshots
Multilingual Configuration

Search Engine Plugins


The Lucene plugin comes as the java package dk.defxws.fgslucene together with the Apache Lucene java libraries. The set of classes was inspired by the JDBC API specification.


Lucene has a very rich functionality, and this plugin exploits a small fraction of it. As a java programmer, you may have ideas for further exploitation, which you may realize by implementing an enhanced version of the plugin. Please, share such ideas and implementations with the Fedora community.


The Solr plugin comes as the java package dk.defxws.fgssolr.


This plugin indexes documents via the HTTP POST interface of Solr. Searches may be performed via the Solr native HTTP GET to the Solr server and via gfindObjects, which accesses the Lucene index directly. Solr functionality does not include browsing, however, this is offered by the plugin via the browseIndex operation.


The Zebra plugin comes as the java package dk.defxws.fgszebra.

The Zebra plugin is used by configuration as seen from the DemoOnZebra example, which includes a README file, which explains how to get and install Zebra, and how to configure it.

Architectural Snapshots

  • All engine specific operations return an engine specific xml answer, which is transformed by an engine-specific xslt stylesheet into result page xml. For a SOAP request this is the answer. For a REST request this is transformed to an html answer. There may be any number of xslt stylesheets to select from, the default ones are selected in the properties file. Selecting a copy stylesheet will allow the transfer of an answer untransformed. An alternative result page format is OpenSearch, which is an RSS2.0 extension.
  • Parameters allow clients to select repository, index, and xslt stylesheets by name. In a real application, these values may be determined by the developer in the code, or by the administrator in the properties file.

  • Objects in the Fedora repository are exported in FOXML format, transformed into an appropriate document format by the indexing stylesheet, and indexed by the engine in question. The XML datastreams are indexed as decided in the stylesheet. One managed or external datastream may be indexed per FedoraObject (which one is configurable), assuming that they contain the same text in different mimetypes.
  • The following updateIndex actions are available:
    • createEmpty - creating or emptying the index. For a new index, you have to run createEmpty once, before you can run the other actions.
    • fromFoxmlFiles ( filePath ) - indexing FOXML records; filePath may be null, in which case the configured Fedora Object Directory is used, so that the whole of the Fedora registry is indexed.
    • fromPid ( PID ) - indexing one FOXML record, as exported by Fedora API-M; in case a previous index document with the same PID exists, it is first deleted. This is the incremental update operation that shall be called after all of Fedora's API-M operations that modifies a FedoraObject.
    • deletePid ( PID ) - deleting one index document.


  • There are OperationsImpl classes for Zebra, Lucene and Solr. The configManyToMany example has indexes for two engines, therefore similar searches may be compared.

Multilingual Configuration

Luis Zorita had this problem and solved it (his mail to fedora-users on 24 August 2006):
