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Comment: added warning about -s mode being unable to maintain item mappings


It's worth understanding the primary differences between a Submission (specified by -s parameter) and a Restore (specified by -r parameter).

  • Submission Mode (-smode) - creates a new object (AIP is treated like a SIP)
    • By default, a new Handle is always assigned
      • However, you can force it to use the handle specified in the AIP by specifying -o ignoreHandle=false as one of your parameters
    • By default, a new Parent object must be specified (using the -pparameter). This is the location where the new object will be created.
      • However, you can force it to use the parent object specified in the AIP by specifying -o ignoreParent=false as one of your parameters
    • By default, will respect a Collection's Workflow process when you submit an Item to a Collection
      • However, you can specifically skip any workflow approval processes by specifying -w parameter.
    • Always adds a new Deposit License to Items
    • Always adds new DSpace System metadata to Items (includes new '', '', '' and 'dc.description.provenance' entries)
    • WARNING: Submission mode may not be able to maintain Item Mappings between Collections.  Because these mappings are recorded via the Collection Handles, mappings may be restored improperly if the Collection handle has changed when moving content from one DSpace instance to another.
  • Restore / Replace Mode (-rmode) - restores a previously existing object (as if from a backup)
    • By default, the Handle specified in the AIP is restored
      • However, for restores, you can force a new handle to be generated by specifying -o ignoreHandle=true as one of your parameters. (NOTE: Doesn't work for replace mode as the new object always retains the handle of the replaced object)
      • (info) Although a Restore/Replace does restore Handles, it will not necessarily restore the same internal IDs in your Database.
    • By default, the object is restored under the Parent specified in the AIP
      • However, for restores, you can force it to restore under a different parent object by using the -p parameter. (NOTE: Doesn't work for replace mode, as the new object always retains the parent of the replaced object)
    • Always skips any Collection workflow approval processes when restoring/replacing an Item in a Collection
    • Never adds a new Deposit License to Items (rather it restores the previous deposit license, as long as it is stored in the AIP)
    • Never adds new DSpace System metadata to Items (rather it just restores the metadata as specified in the AIP)


titleMay want to skip Collection Approvals Workflows

Please note: If you are submitting a larger amount of content (e.g. multiple Communities/Collections) to your DSpace, you may want to tell the 'packager' command to skip over any existing Collection approval workflows by using the -w flag. By default, all Collection approval workflows will be respected. This means if the content you are submitting includes a Collection with an enabled workflow, you may see the following occur:

  1. First, the Collection will be created & its workflow enabled
  2. Second, each Item belonging to that Collection will be created & placed into the workflow approval process

    Therefore, if this content has already received some level of approval, you may want to submit it using the -w flag, which will skip any workflow approval processes. For more information, see Submitting AIP(s) while skipping any Collection Approval Workflows.
titleItem Mappings may not be maintained when submitting an AIP hierachy

When an Item is mapped to one or more Collections, this mapping is recorded in the AIP using the mapped Collection's handle. Unfortunately, since the submission mode (-s) assigns new handles to all objects in the hierarchy, this may mean that the mapped Collection's handle will have changed (or even that a different Collection will be available at the original mapped Collection's handle). DSpace does not have a way to uniquely identify Collections other than by handle, which means that item mappings are only able to be retained when the Collection handle is also retained.

If you encounter this issue, there are a few possible workarounds:

  1. Use the restore/replace mode (-r) instead, as it will retain existing Collection Handles. Unfortunately though, this may not work if the content is being moved from a Test DSpace to a Production DSpace, as these existing handles may not be valid.
  2. OR, use the submission mode with the "--o ignoreHandle=false". This will also retain existing Collection Handles. Unfortunately though, this may not work if the content is being moved from a Test DSpace to a Production DSpace, as these existing handles may not be valid.
  3. OR, Remove all Item mappings. Then, import the hierarchy into the new DSpace instance (without Item Mappings). Finally, restore the Item Mappings using a different tool, e.g. the Batch Metadata Editing tool supports editing of Collection memberships/mapping.
titleMissing Groups or EPeople cannot be created when submitting an individual Community or Collection AIP

Please note, if you are using AIPs to move an entire Community or Collection from one DSpace to another, there is a known issue (see DS-1105) that the new DSpace instance will be unable to (re-)create any DSpace Groups or EPeople which are referenced by a Community or Collection AIP. The reason is that the Community or Collection AIP itself doesn't contain enough information to create those Groups or EPeople (rather that info is stored in the SITE AIP, for usage during Full Site Restores).

However, there are two possible ways to get around this known issue:

  • EITHER, you can manually recreate all referenced Groups/EPeople in the new DSpace that you are submitting the Community or Collection AIP into.
    • Note that if you are using Groups named with DSpace Database IDs (e.g. COMMUNITY_1_ADMIN, COLLECTION_2_SUBMIT), you may first need to rename those groups to no longer include Database IDs (e.g. MY_SUBMITTERS). The reason is that Database IDs will likely change when you move a Community or Collection to a new DSpace installation.
  • OR, you can temporarily disable the import of Group/EPeople information when submitting the Community or Collection AIP to the new DSpace. This would mean that after you submit the AIP to the new DSpace, you'd have to manually go in and add in any special permissions (as needed). To disable the import of Group/EPeople information, add these settings to your dspace.cfgfile, and re-run the submission of the AIP with these settings in place:

    Code Block
    mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.METSRIGHTS = NIL
    mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.DSPACE-ROLES = NIL
    • Don't forget to remove these settings after you import your Community or Collection AIP. Leaving them in place will mean that every time you import an AIP, all of its Group/EPeople/Permissions would be ignored.
