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titleCurrent released version

DirIngest 1.2 has now been released.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Installation
  3. Using the Service
  4. Using the SIP2FOX Utility
  5. Preparing a SIP
  6. Specifying Conversion Rules

1. Overview

This service is part of the Fedora Service Framework. It constructs Fedora objects from uploaded Submission Information Packages ("SIPs") and ingests those objects into a Fedora repository. It is exposed as a REST-style web service that accepts input via HTTP POST and (if successful) returns an XML document with the list of PIDs of the ingested objects.

The following diagram illustrates:


2. Installation

2.1 Prerequisites

  • A running Fedora repository, version 3.0.
  • A servlet container that supports the Servlet API v2.3+

2.2 Setup

Note: These instructions are written assuming you are using Tomcat. Web application deployment may differ for your servlet container.


Finally, ensure that your Fedora server is running, and re-start Tomcat.

3. Using the Service

Once installed, the service will be exposed from your servlet container at "diringest/ingestSIP". For example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

4. Using the SIP2FOX Utility

The "SIP2FOX" utility is useful for command-line testing of SIPs and conversion rules. It is included in the distribution's "sip2fox" directory. To invoke it, change to that directory and type:


The SIP2FOX utility uses the rules that reside in the config/crules.xml when it runs.

5. Preparing a SIP

A SIP file is a ZIP file containing metadata and content for a set of to-be-created Fedora objects.


Sample SIP files and a readme.txt file with descriptions of each are included in the sip2fox/samples directory in the diringest distribution.

6. Specifying Conversion Rules

A conversion rules file is used by the service (or sip2fox) in deriving RELS-EXT relationships from the hierarchical structure (the structMap) in the SIP.
