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The meeting will be held in same hotel as the 2014 SPARC Conference, the Intercontinental Hotel in Kansas City, on Wednesday, March 5 from 8:30am until 12:30pm in the Pav 1 room. *Please see the SPARC Conference site for information on hotel accommodations and other logistical info:

Call for Proposals 

We are currently seeking presentation proposals from members of the community for to present a brief tutorial or workshop on a specific aspect of DSpace. Past tutorials have included demonstrations on Batch Loading Workflows for DSpace and Batch Metadata Editing. Proposals should be sent to by February 14. Acceptance notification will be sent by February 18.

Meeting Schedule

We still refining the agenda and recruiting presenters for the Community 24x7.  This has traditionally been a fairly informal meeting with lots of opportunity for networking with other DSpace users. We highly recommend that if possible you plan to allow time after the session to go to lunch and continue small group conversations around specific areas of interest. 


24x7 presentations at the 2012 SPARC DSUG generated a lot of discussion and information sharing (to view slides from 2012 presentations see SPARC DSpace User Group Meeting 2012). A 24x7 is a version of the Pecha Kucha style presentations and is intended to provide as many people as possible an opportunity to share information about their current projects/efforts/ideas. Presentations are limited to 7 minutes and no more than 24 slides. We strongly encourage all attendees to participate! Suggested topics include best (or worst) practices on the following topics:
