Versions Compared


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The Lazy Session method is preferable for most DSpace installations, as you generally usually want to provide public access to (most) DSpace content, while restricting access restricting to only particular areas (e.g. administration UI/tools, private Items, etc.).  When Active Sessions are enabled , this will essentially access restrict your entire DSpace instancesite will be access restricted.  In other words, when using Active Sesssions, Shibboleth will require everyone to first authenticate before they can access any part of your repository (which essentially results in a "dark archive", since as anonymous access will not be allowed).


Code Block
#### SAMPLE MOD_SHIB CONFIGURATION FOR APACHE2 (it may require local modifications based on your Apache setup) ####
# While this sample VirtualHost is for HTTPS requests (recommended for Shibboleth, obviously), 
# you may also need/want to create one for HTTP (*:80)
<VirtualHost *:443>
   # PLEASE NOTE: We have omitted many Apache settings (ServerName, LogLevel, SSLCertificateFile, etc) 
   # which you may need/want to add to your VirtualHost
   # As long as Shibboleth module is installed, enable all Shibboleth/mod_shib related settings
   <IfModule mod_shib>
       # Shibboleth recommends turning on UseCanonicalName
       # See "Prepping Apache" in
       UseCanonicalName On

       # Most DSpace instances will want to use Shibboleth "Lazy Session", which ensures that users 
       # can access DSpace content without first authenticating via ShibShibboleth. 
       # This section turns on Shibboleth "Lazy Session". Also ensures that once they have authenticated
       # (by accessing /Shibboleth.sso/Login path), then their Shib session is kept alive
       <Location />
         AuthType shibboleth
         ShibRequireSession Off
         require shibboleth
         # If your "shibboleth2.xml" file specifies an <ApplicationOverride> setting for your 
         # DSpace Service Provider, then you may need to tell Apache which "id" to redirect Shib requests to. 
         # Just uncomment this and change the value "my-dspace-id" to the associated @id attribute value.
         #ShibRequestSetting applicationId my-dspace-id

       # If a user attempts to access the DSpace shibboleth login page, force them to authenticate via Shib
       <Location "/shibboleth-login">
         AuthType shibboleth
         ShibRequireSession On
         # DSpace requires using Shibboleth Headers. So this MUST be "On"
         ShibUseHeaders On
         require valid-user
       # Ensure /Shibboleth.sso path (in Apache) can be accessed
       # By default it may be inaccessible if your Apache security is tight.
       <Location "/Shibboleth.sso">
         Order deny,allow
         Allow from all
         # Also ensure Shibboleth/mod_shib responds to this path
         SetHandler shib
       # Finally, you may need to ensure requests to /Shibboleth.sso are NOT redirected 
       # to Tomcat (as they will be handled by mod_shib instead).
       # ALL REQUESTS TO TOMCAT (e.g. ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8080/)
       # ProxyPass /Shibboleth.sso !
